Option to automatically rollover activity
It would be helpful to have an option when creating an activity to automatically roll activity over until activity is completed. This would be nice for an activity that we assign to an employee that we want them to see everyday until it's completed. It would be nice in a situation where we assign an activity to an employee and give them a week to do it. It won't fall off the dashboard after a day. And it would also be helpful when I assign a task to myself that I know I probably won't get done today and want to be constantly reminded of until I do it.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Donna commented
We are lost without the ability to rollover activities as we could in the Classic version.
Sarah commented
This is a great idea....to add to it I like bringing back the "past due and today" option.....ALSO please update the way we can add recurring activities and add an option to repeat Monday - Friday (not everyday since most of us don't work on the weekend) thank you
Herman Johansen commented
And please bring back the 'past due and today' only option...it really helped focus on things to do right now. It's great that there are different options for different reps, but I don't know why you eliminated the most logical one?
Patti Roberts commented
If it wasn't completed it should roll forward. If it was anything other than an appointment. Roll it forward.
wr commented
A Redtail support person showed me how to roll multiple items...it is available via the dashboard area I believe.
CDR commented
Or how about being able to select multiple items and then Rollover all the selected items not just ONE at a time.
Eric commented
Best I can tell this is, at least sort of, programmed into the new Redtail version launched this month. Select the activity view called "Past Due & This Week" to see all.
And you can use the new feature using the checkboxes from the dashboard Activity view, then click on the "Selected(x)" link and choose what you want to do with the selected items. In my opinion, this functionality is a great improvement over the old version.
Mountain Financial commented
Lauren, I requested exactly what you said in another thread. Search for "Restore easy access to Past Due and Future activities" and place your vote!
Lauren commented
Also add the option to see prior and next days right to the main screen like in redtail so we don't have to open yet another window select another option and then refresh.