Send Opportunities Notifications
Have the system send out an email to the person an opportunity is assigned to as a reminder that it needs to be followed up on.... this was previously posted and said that it was completed, but it actually was not.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Anonymous commented
Because of it's cumulative nature, the Opportunity Tracker is almost useless as a reporting and tracking tool. It IS useless as a task reminder. We would like the Tracker to be much more automated- send the advisor an email reminding him that his close date on an opportunity is approaching, or adding a task to the advisor's calendar to follow up with a prospect at specific intervals. It would also be amazing if the tracker would keep track of closed/won ratios for each advisor on a cumulative basis, a quarterly basis, and an annual basis. That would help each advisor plan their prospecting more efficiently, and it would help the firm know if an advisor is struggling so that we can provide additional support.
Anonymous commented
Team Notification when Opportunity status is updated