Linked Notes in Opportunities
Would be faster to add Linked Notes in Opportunities how it is currently setup in Activities.
This would prevent from having to open a new page just to add a Note and see the list of all notes from the Main Opp page.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Anonymous commented
PLEASe - Now Ihave to make a Note under the Contact then go to the Opportunity to update that the application has been processed.
No one touches the Opportunity except agents and the Admin all work in notes.
Also being able to link the notes to various Contacts would be good as an Opportunity like for a 401k has more than one Contact to deal with to close the deal.
Stephen Boatman commented
I would appreciate it if the opportunities notes automatically updated to the client profile as a new note
Anonymous commented
would be nice to be able to notify someone once a comment is added to an existing note.