need all fields available to select from for custom reporting
We need to option to select from ALL fields within a client record and their account records for custom exporting, and would love to have the option to run it in a nice PDF format.
The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Anonymous commented
Address export should export the household, not individual contact. It is more common to address a letter to "Jim & Jane Smith" than to send them two letters separately.
Anonymous commented
More importantly:
-Primary phone
-Primary email -
Anonymous commented
This seems to be the same as allowing the mail merge fields to extend to ALL available information in a contact record instead of limited to just a handful.
Anonymous commented
Better custom reporting would be great. Right now, it's very limited and challenging to perform what should be a quick easy task.
Anonymous commented
As a follow up, I appreciate the following fix, but my eyes can't distinguish between the red and black icon. If the shared address/phone icons could also be bolded, it might help.
v1.4.56 1/21/2016 * Added: fix for denoting symbol linking shared addresses on contact view, changes linked address map symbol to red. In other (clearer) words, for shared addresses their map icon is now red on the Contact Card, where on the original record where the address was actually entered, the map icon on the Contact Card is black.
Anonymous commented
Linked addresses need to show up on custom export reports. And please bring back a visual cue or some kind of easy way to identity linked addresses. Right now, we have no way to tell addresses are linked until we change one. No notice that any other record will be changed.
We also need to be able to export these linked addresses! Spouses address fields shouldn't show up blank on our reports. Having a workaround be to delete the linked address - which we can't identity without running multiple reports - and reenter it is not efficient, nor is it particularly helpful.
Julie Hey commented
There are many fields in the Asset/Liability section and Account section that I cannot export in the custom exporting. I is a challenge to be able to store so much information in Redtail but to only be able to export a very limited amount in reports. Please expand the Custom Exporting fields so that we can create better and more accurate reports for our clients.
Allen Kozel commented
Not sure why Risk Tolerance and Investment objective were left off as possible fields for a custom export template. I would think those are two of the biggest peices of information needed on a KYC type of report.
Allen Kozel commented
Add Account Level UDFs to the custom export template. You have the ability from the contact level to included UDFs in a custom export not sure why you don't have the ability on the account level UDFs.
K D commented
Would it be possible to add a blank field on custom exports that we could add instructions to? For example when the excel document came up cell 1A would have instructions such as which margin settings or column titles to use. It would be helpful when we print a monthly birthday list to know how to format the document so that they all look the same.
Anonymous commented
I would like the ability to build custom reports that include account level UDFs. I love that they are part of tailwag, but the reporting needs to be more robust. These fields should be added to the custom reporting tool.
Kathy commented
Adding the head of household field as an option in the Custom Report Export field.
Anonymous commented
The fields exist, yet they are not available to make a custom export that includes them. This would be a very helpful addition.
Cherie Knutson commented
Just add Invested-Total as an option to the Custom Export field.
Michael Balzer commented
When adding a new account there is a check box that asks if the account is discretionary or not. It would be helpful if this was added to an export (custom exports) to pull discretionary accounts faster.
Anonymous commented
sounds good
Anonymous commented
UDF by account list with a balance collum
Anonymous commented
Please allow the linked spouse address to export
Anonymous commented
The custom export only includes a field for "Premium", which only exports the "Annual Premium" field. Most of our clients use a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual premium. The custom export needs to include the fields for "Modal Premium" and "Premium Frequency". It would be better if all of the fields in the Payment Info box were available for export. Otherwise, we can't even create an accurate list of all our insurance policies and premiums.
Chelsea Simeon commented
Fields that would be nice to have available to make custom exports (we would like to use them to make a more comprehensive version of the "Personal Profile Form"):
-Spouse Employer
-Spouse Drivers License State
-Spouse Drivers License Issue
-Spouse Drivers License Expiration
-Spouse Cell Phone
-Spouse Work Phone
-Spouse Work Address
-Children Names
-Children DOB
-Children SSN