Allow Color Coding on the Calendar by Advisor/Employee
It would be nice to be able to color code our calendar by the person the task is assigned to rather than the type of appointment. I know others like the status quo so if there would be a way to choose between both features that would help out our company nicely.
We gave users the ability to color code the attendees to an activity via bubbles on an activity. If users dont want to leverage the bubbles there is an option in the preferences menu named "Allow Attendee Bubble View" which can be disable the bubbles and go back to a "Classic" version of the calendar.
Jason commented
We're in an office that delivers a weekly calendar to the receptionist, so having each advisor's entries designated by a particular color would help tremendously as she answers the phones and tries to determine who is in the office and who is not.
Chris Anselmo commented
We have several users, including several producers and accountants. It would be extremely helpful to have each user have their own color, so when you look at the calendar (for more than one user) you can easily tell whose appointment is whose. Receptionist doesn't have time to hover over each appt to determinine who it belongs to, especially during tax season.