RMD Value & Information section
In the account section, I'd love to have an area specifically for RMD info.
There is the general info section, which duplicates the issue date (listed in the account dates), the cash value and as of date (which duplicates the account assets balance), face value (which duplicates the coverage info), surrender value and as of date, loan balance, asset rebalance and rebalance frequency. Why can't an RMD info section be added, or the general section modified to include 12/31 year end value, RMD value, a check box for auto RMD, and that type of information? I'd love to be able to put their withdrawals (or projected withdrawals) for the year and have the system calculate if they will need to take more, or if their RMD is covered. Also, add a text box for notes, so we can detail if RMD is covered by another IRA accounts withdrawals. Please, make this information available to be added to reports!
I know it can be added in a UDF, but everyone has clients that have to take RMD's. This has got to be a feature that more people want and will use, than duplicating other values or dates already listed in the details section.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Abe Lincoln commented
This is still a desired feature!
Bruce Wing commented
I hear you. Personally, because of the variations that are out there, I think this has to be UDFs.... that are further supported by greater automation workflow capability.
I'm more of an investment guy and I want to know when the distribution was requested, when it starts, how long it lasts....what the amount is....if it is an ad-hoc, periodic distribution, or both....what the 12/31 previous year's account balance was for qualified plan/IRA money...and what this year's annual RMD needs to be. Complicated in a hurry.
Kerri Kuykendall commented
Under accounts can a section be added for withdrawals. I know there are two options under payment but to me that is more for life insurance than an annuity. Some client's take income from their annuities annually, quarterly, twice a year, and monthly. I would be nice to be able to list the type if this a regular withdrawal, income rider withdrawal, or RMD. And can pick by check, EFT, or to another account
Jane Llanes commented
Would love to be able to input a date that the RMD is scheduled to distribute out of the account on the dashboard. I set them up to distribute ahead of time and would love to be able to see the anticipated withdrawal date on the dashboard so that when I go back into the dashboard a few weeks later, I don't have to start all over again with who and who hasn't had their's scheduled. Also a place to put a note about how the client prefers to handle the RMD, i.e. reinvest (journal) into a taxable account ***, send the client a check, ACH it to their bank, etc. That would be so helpful year after year!!!
Marcus commented
I've been using contact level UDFs to bypass this issue. It definitely is not as smooth or convenient as it should be though!
Traci commented
Going on 2 years since this suggestion was posted ( ridiculous that this feature has to be "suggested" for a CRM that was supposedly built for advisors ) and so far has collected 1,627 votes and 77 comments but, still no timeline. Meanwhile, several other enhancements have been implemented that generated nominal votes. So confused!!!!
Anonymous commented
It would be useful to have a RMD tab under contacts added and a contribution/distribution tab. This would be a tab like Activities.
Anonymous commented
It would be useful to have a RMD tab under contacts added and a contribution/distribution tab. This would be a tab like Activities.
Anonymous commented
Automatically create important birthday task reminders like for 59.5, 70 & 70.5
Traci commented
I see Redtail created account templates but included only a portion of the fields needed for the type of policy as well as kept ALL the other fields that have no relevance so it takes up so much screen real estate and has no purpose. Example, why does an IRA account have Face Value, surrender value and annual premium fields- but does not have RMD fields that would actually be useful information to know. Also, why does Term Insurance policies have cash value/surrender value fields when these are not cash accumulating accounts? Remove the fields from account templates that provide no benefit and include the fields hundreds of users on this site have been begging for YEARS!!
Sarah McDougall commented
The first thing I looked for was a way to set notifications when a client's RMD is upcoming. I see three years of comments here making it clear this is a High Value target for your customers. But very disappointing to see RT hasn't addressed this at all.
Anonymous commented
This would be very helpful! Please add!
Kim Baumler commented
Schwab now tracks RMD, it would be nice if this could be captured on the client page in RT.
J. DiMarzo commented
Please add a QLAC IRA and or an Immediate Income IRA option to the Tax Qualified Type drop down menu.
While running account reports by tax qualified type to get an accurate RMD report for our client list you cannot distinguish these accounts with the options available. By adding a QLAC IRA or Immediate Income IRA the report becomes an efficient filter and helps generate a more accurate report. Adding keywords and user defined fields can be helpful at times but not in this case. The keywords and user defined field requires pulling multiple reports and combing through multiple spreadsheets and is not efficient. Not to mention if you miss adding the keyword or user defined field to an account because it is in another area when setting up an account. The Tax Qualified field is part of the basic account set up and would be more efficient and more accurate marker. Please add this soon!
KP commented
It's easy to calculate RMDs for typical clients.
Can redtail create a section in the contact's page that calculate's their RMD if they're over 70.5? Then, make it adjustable so that if there is an Inherited IRA, etc... we can fix it.
Anonymous commented
Ether adding the fields and then make them report able on the RMD report OR If the RMD report would pick up the UDFs.
Anonymous commented
Using the DOB information as a trigger, post a notification or alert at the beginning of the year or quarter in which a client turns 70 1/2, so the initial RMD is not missed.
Lucy Curiel commented
Right now the only option is monthly distributions... A lot of our clients take an ANNUAL RMD or Quarterly income distributions. Would also be very helpful to be able to see Tax withholding, method of delivery, date of distribution, etc...
Leo O'Connor Jr commented
We do this with UDFs and while we can bulk add the contact level UDFs we end up having to manually add the account level UDFs and that is nothing less than a huge pain and a waste of time.
Leo O'Connor Jr commented
So for the nonschab users, how it this marked complete?