Popup alert or notification to confirm when you drag a calendar event
We have an issue where events, seminars, or appointments will accidentally get dragged to a different time or day on the calendar.
When changes are made by dragging, the change isn't even noted in the "Timeline" for the activity. There needs to be a popup when you drag an event or appointment that said, "Are you sure you would like to make this change?"

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Lisa commented
YES!!! This suggestion would be so helpful!!!
Cyndi Stewart commented
When working from laptops, EVERYONE on our staff has had the accidental drag and/or delete of an appointment happen. THIS IS A CRITICAL ISSUE FOR US. There absolutely should be either a "confirmation pop-up" (Do you really want to move this appt from ____ to ___?), or at the very least, a separate Timeline for ALL calendar changes. Redtail--PLEASE fix this...it has become a serious problem in our office. -
Cyndi Stewart commented
When working from laptops, EVERYONE on our staff has had the accidental drag and/or delete of an appointment happen. THIS IS A CRITICAL ISSUE FOR US. There absolutely should be either a "confirmation pop-up" (Do you really want to move this appt from ____ to ___?), or at the very least, a separate Timeline for ALL calendar changes. Redtail--PLEASE fix this...it has become a serious problem in our office. -
Anonymous commented
Original Poster here! I have tested it a few more times, and sometimes it does show up in the Timeline, but sometimes it does not.
I cannot find a setting that enables a popup, but that would be nice if they could implement one! Plz enlighten me if I am missing it. -
Leo O'Connor Jr commented
This fact that this doesn't show up in the timeline is scary. That isn't helpful at all. Maybe the popup is a choice to enable (or maybe that'd help them record the change better on the timeline)
Diana commented
Although attendees are notified of calendar activity time/date changes when the change is made by opening the activity window, attendees ARE NOT NOTIFIED when activity changes in the calendar are made by using drag/drop procedure. Changes made by any method need to include notifications to attendees.
Jon Imber commented
It would be great if when you dragged an appointment on the calendar from one time slot to another it asked you if you are sure you want to move this appointment..yes or no.
We have had several appointments that were accidentally drug from one day to another without knowing and created schedule mishaps. A simple confirmation question when an appointment is moved from one place to another would be very helpful.