Trusted Contact
Under the contact record, can we please add fields for "Trusted Contacts"? We need to record the name, address, phone, and email of Trusted Contacts in a way that is easy to find. We are currently adding it to the "Important Information", but having a specific field in the contact info would be more helpful. It would also be nice if there was a checkbox somewhere that you could click if Trusted Contact is "declined", as this is something required going forward.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Abe Lincoln commented
Hi, this is a very important for our office to record! Please include this feature!!!
Dan Girard commented
This feature is Absolutely needed ASAP!
You can change the current “Primary Contact” field to have it update with the important information of the Trusted Contact.
Also, we should be able to LINK a current contact into this field!
Anonymous commented
Definitely need this! Compliance is requiring this on all new accounts and updating on old accounts. We need something that is in a searchable format that is either a check box, yes or no field that says that a trusted contact is needed (or that they have one) and also a place to put in the information needed for these trusted contacts - address, phone, email. Important information fields are getting filled up quickly with a lot of things in them.
Jennifer Goodworth commented
It's been over a year with no change in this. It's clear that this is something that needs to be implemented. Where do the discussions stand?
Carol commented
We also need this from the Compliance standpoint. Compliance wants to which clients do/do not have a Trusted Contact. We need a searchable field, not a UDF. Sooner is better - thank you.
Sandra commented
Our office is also wanting to track this information. And sometimes a contact can have more than one trusted contact listed. Have this feature would be very helpful! Rather than having to create a UDF or such for this kind of thing since it is required. A rough timeline for this feature would be appreciated.
Angel commented
I am looking to see if this has been added. My broker dealer is requiring us to be tracking and monitoring this closely and I need to add this information to my clients profiles too. I don't want to break this up into multiple projects because Redtail isn't set up yet.
DonnaE commented
This is an SEC requirement, so please make this a priority. Thank you!
Nick Hammond commented
Need this asap
Anonymous commented
THIS IS A FINRA REQUIREMENT - What good is my CRM if it doesn't have a field for information that I am required by FINRA to have on the client? and a DECLINED check box is important
Andy Clark commented
Please understand that a "Trusted Contact" or record that the client declined to list a trusted contact is now a FINRA requirement. It may not seem like a big deal to a CRM developer but just wanted to point out the regulatory side of this issue.
Anonymous commented
I agree with Chris. The Primary Contact field is redundant with the all contact information being displayed on the right side of the screen. Changing the Primary Contact field to a Trusted contact field would be very helpful for us and other advisors.
Anonymous commented
Please have a trusted contact field and make it so it can sync to LaserApp please
Jennifer Goodworth commented
It would be nice if they could somehow have a field where you could indicate if Trusted Contact was declined, as is probably going to be the majority of cases. We need to be able to indicate that the client was asked this information and declined.
Chris Cosenza commented
Misc Client Info, instead of having "Primary Contact" change it to "Trusted Primary Contact" With the option to include name, number, email, and address. And when you search for a client by name have the "Trusted Contact" be able to be seen. Finra has mandated that all client records have a "Trusted Contact" So this needs to be a feature in one way or another.