Automatically Create and Email Reports to User in Recurring Schedule
Save Filter in Activity Reports and possible automated report generation?
When we want to apply a filter to the "Activities by contact" report, we would value the ability to save a particular set of parameters for our filters that we can run on a systematic basis (daily, weekly, etc).
Even further wishful thinking would be to be able to schedule this report to be run and emailed on an automated basis.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Nate commented
Very much want this. Surprised to find out that this isn't a basic starting functionality vs something they might be adding-on. Need this yesterday!
Erik Hofstrom commented
To me this is a no brainer, it would help me stay informed on everything that happened in the firm in such an efficient way. It'd be critical to productivity, efficiency, and service. How can we make this happen!?
Erik Hofstrom commented
This would help me stay informed on everything my team did for the week without having to bother them. I would consider this critical to productivity
Susan Dawson commented
Ability to set up recurring reports for specific time range (Ex. Activity by contact, specific category, for certain time frame - previous 2 months and 1 month in future as compared to today's date).
Melissa Sullenberger commented
Another example to be Activities and Notes from the last week be sent daily to several emails in order for everyone to keep up on what needs done or to be checked on.
Melissa Sullenberger commented
Be able to setup an automated report of Notes and Activities via range of time to be sent to an email or emails on a systematic basis that also can be chose via daily or weekly at a specific time
Emily Johnson commented
At my company we record our call reports in the Activity section. At the beginning of each month we run an Activity Report filtering for the last month and the specific user. Those reports get printed and emailed to our managers. Our Managers came up with the idea that those reports could be automatically generated each month and be programed to email directly to the manager and specific employee. Unfortunately you do not have that capability. Is this something that could become available in the future? It would be very helpful.
Chris commented
We would like to have reports automatically run and emailed to users. For example, a reminder report for upcoming birthdays sent at the beginning of each week.
Anonymous commented
add a function to automatically run and send a specified report to specified contacts at defined intervals.
Scott Gutman commented
Automatically email me a birthday report every Monday.
Gary Krol commented
We would like the ability to create reports in Redtail or set up the already existing ones to be ran automatically on a set schedule and delivered through email.