Automation that would Trigger Roles being Populated upon Adding Servicing Advisor
Upon entering a Servicing Advisor/Writing Advisor in contact record, RT would automatically populate the Roles field (of the 3 individuals for that Servicing/Writing Advisor's team). It is double work now to enter Servicing Advisor/Writing Advisor, then go in and manually complete the Roles fields for every new client record entered.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Rosalie commented
This would be extremely useful!
Jenn commented
I am unable to implement the use of Workflows at my firm until this is fixed. Here's our problem...I created an onboarding workflow for prospects but then figured out that the task can not be automatically assigned to the servicing advisor listed on the contact. So I set it up so the task is automatically assigned to the advisor role on the contact. Then we figured out that only people with admin privileges can adjust the role and in my case, our receptionist does not need admin privileges but she is the one primarily initiating this workflow. So then for my final chance to work around this issue, I tried to set up an automation to automatically fill out the Advisor Role based on the servicing advisor field but much to my dismay, I see that Redtail does not offer an automation on the role fields. So the Workflow I designed is now useless unless our retail admin updates the role for every new contact added which is outside the scope of her responsibilities.
Anonymous commented
Yes! This would be so helpful!
Travis Crowell commented
This is critical for offices with multiple advisors. It is redundant and unnecessary work to require this additional step to be taken for every new contact entered. Plus, if the user is not set as administrator, that can't even put themselves as the Advisor on a contact.
Anonymous commented
Absolutely mandatory for the workflows to function properly.
Paul Sharkey commented
Yes, this is needed to manage the data in growing firms that want to use your workflows!
Leslie commented
Please make possible!
Adrian Anderson commented
Allow Users to assign Roles via automation
New Contact Added>Assign Role>User or Team IF Contact Category = Prospect, Personal Client etc...