Open Activities
I created a new activity type - outstanding issue to mark those things where we have reached out to the client but not heard back from them so the issue is still outstanding. Normally I'd put this in important information but that field is too easy to ignore (until you fix that, right?). My thought was to just add a date on those activities for the end of next year but I realized I can't easily see that. It doesn't show up on the main contact page, doesn't show up when i click on activities, and there is no quick option under activities to show all future activities. Past Due, Today or last 7/next 7 days, or future activities should all be buttons next to filter dates. Also should be an option to show recurring activities or not as that way we could see future activities without our recurring reminder to do an RMD (or anything else) every year.
Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Marcus commented
We need to be able to see all future activities for a client.