email history default to note: email received or email sent
For any email history to also appear as default as a chronological note as either email received or email sent. A huge portion of our client correspondence is via email. As it stands we either have to copy/paste emails into notes (which defeats the purpose of having emails journal archive) or review both notes and email history to understand the correspondence history of a client, which is redundant. The system as it sits today is both unnecessarily time consuming and encourages mistakes and misses.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Joe Breslin commented
co-sign. Please add this feature. If I vaguely remember emailing a client about HSA eligibility in 2022. To find that email, I have to manually review all the emails. If Redtail took the text of the emails and copied this to the notes and made them searchable, this would be tremendously valuable.
Sage Investments commented
In addition to including the whole Note description in the body of the email, it would be helpful to include all the members that the Note was sent to.
Jeremy DiStefano commented
We just implemented Redtail. I guess this is on us, but we assumed integrating emails would mean that they would appear as an Activity (after all there is an Activity Category called Email) and be integrated with all other activities on the Today Page, which could guide our morning meeting. Instead emails are buried in a static report called Email by Contact (Which doesn't even list Contact btw) and makes no distinction between spam messages and emails from contact we actually have setup in Redtail. This is really disappointing, and even more so given that this looks like years of neglecting this feature.
Anonymous commented
Please add this! My boss has asked me to look into a way to do this. After hours of jumping down rabbit holes from Zapier to Excel, GoDaddy and more I still haven't found a way to do this. Please!!!!!!!
adam commented
This functionality should be first priority in implementing.
The amount of mistakes and extra work/redundancy Redtail Crm causes from this missing function is astronomical.
I would almost guarantee this would be a reason one would choose Salesforce over Redtail.
Rebecca commented
I agree completely - and having email history in notes (for Outlook users) would also give the No Contact report some value, since so much is done in email, and that report only tells you clients for which you haven't had a completed activity or note only.
Adam commented
So we are at the end of 2020 and still no updates on this basic function?
Caroline commented
When is the feature going to be available??
Anonymous commented
Please do this ASAP. This is 100% the way every advisor would prefer to have all interactions viewed with a client. Having to click a section for "email database" is counter intuitive.
Caroline commented
I agree with these comments. Having to cut and paste emails in the notes is time-consuming and frustrating!!
Azmina Kermalli commented
Would love to see email history from outlook in redtail notes.
Anonymous commented
I agree 100%. We shouldn't have to see everyone's emails in the email history for it to flow through the clients contact's email history. Example: I should not see my bosses daily email activity so I can keep the filter on for when he does email a client. This is a privacy issue and for that we can not have this feature added to our platform.
We came from Advisors assistant which is a fraction size of Redtail and they have the feature you can have an email flow right to the client and archive for note purposes without me seeing everyone's email activity.
We now will have to copy the email and place it in notes, which is time consuming and frustrating. Why pay for email feature? -
Michele Tomlinson commented
Can I vote 1,000 times for this?