Print Work Flow Template
It would be helpful if we could print out Template Workflows. It would be a great resource to be able to print it out and have to be able to edit for approval or to be able to put in a book as a SOP style handout.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Laura Stone Shifflette commented
Printing out long, complicated workflows provides a document we can work from more easily as we move through the process, step by step. In early 2021, printing out a workflow provided a useable document, but at some point after that, the process was changed, and now when you print a workflow, there are more fields included - it's now like lots of screen shots strung together- and lots more space taken. I just printed out a workflow of a 15 step workflow. Where previously, this same workflow printed out in 6 pages, the document now extends to 17 pages. Please revert to the way it used to print. This new way is way too cumbersome.
Anonymous commented
It would be wildly helpful to be able to print a workflow template, for our documentation and to be able to review with our higher-ups a process.
Jolene Conderman commented
I wish we could print them where you could see the outcomes too, that would make them a lot easier to edit/maintain/discuss.
Chuck Vercellone commented
We need to be able to print out our workflow templates, compete with steps, tasks, and outcomes. As it is now, the only workflow printouts we can get are for active workflows. Why is there no option to print our templates so they can be reviewed and noted with amendments? It would also make it easier if we could have a printout to show other advisors what we have created so they can determine if they would like a copy of it.