Add self-scheduling feature like Calendly or ScheduleOnce and confirmations like AppointmentReminder
Add self-scheduling feature like Calendly or ScheduleOnce and confirmations like AppointmentReminder

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Susan White commented
Appointment Reminder will only send the reminder to one client, irritating our joint households. Confirmations and reminders should go out to all primary emails that are linked to the appointment.
Brad Codd commented
Wow, more than 2 years since this request was submitted and still no solution?
Financial Planners/Advisors are going online in droves. Even the SEC had adapted to allow more freedom and flexibility. Much more than an incomplete implementation of a Zapier interface is needed urgently to allow users to fully embrace working in the new digital world.
Anonymous commented
I agree. This is very important and we are having the same issue as well. Using third parties does not allow direct linking to redtail. This causes a lot of trouble with not having contacts linked to activities and workflows not generating automatically.
Anonymous commented
I agree. I think we need this feature. Having clients schedule through OnceHub or Calendly is difficult because they don't directly link back to Redtail. If eveything can be done through Redtail CRM, nothing would fall through the cracks.
Monet Hurlbut commented
Agreed. Instead of having to acquire another app/software to do this like ScheduleOne, it would be great to have the capability already integrated within Redtail.
Anonymous commented
Schedule Once is the only self-scheduling software that LPL currently has approved for use by their advisors, so a direct integration to Schedule Once may be greatly appreciated by the LPL- Redtail Users! Intregration with Schedule Once utilizing Zapier seems cumbersome and a more stream-lined option would be appreciated.
Stacy Gary commented
The desired outcome is that Redtail's calendar can be the ONE source of truth for all client meetings. Currently, that requires duplicate work and clunky workflows, which detracts significantly from Redtail's calendar's value proposition.
Here's the real problems with Redtail's current calendaring solutions:
Sensitive client data is released to Google's servers with the current Calendly integration via Google via Retriever Cloud. Client birthdays, marriage anniversaries, tasks/activities (including subject and notes) and appointments flow from Redtail to Google's calendar. Your client's sensitive data that you might include in a task subject or notes, their birthdays, names, anniversaries, etc, are now up in the Google cloud. I would love to understand better how this is not a compliance issue.... I'm surprised that Redtail has empowered such functionality.
Clients rescheduling and cancelling appointments does not flow to Redtail in the Acuity integration via Zapier. Only NEW appointments made in Acuity flow to Redtail's calendar. There is no "zap" that enables Redtail's calendar to recognize a rescheduled appointment.
Current work-arounds add additional inefficiencies or compliance risk.
1. Calendly/Google--disconnect Retriever Cloud to enable a Calendly/Google calendar integration and manually update their Redtail calendar as clients schedule/reschedule/cancel appointments. This requires keeping two calendars synchronized ongoing, creating risk of mistakes, re-work, breakdowns, inefficiencies, and variations in client service.
2. Use the desktop Tailwag version to sync calendars. For the advisor who leaves their computer at the office and manually checks their mobile device for updates, they'd need to leave their computer on overnight, weekends, and other times they're away from the office. This is a compliance issue.
3. Acuity--disconnect the Zapier connection and check the Acuity calendar for regular updates; manually update their Redtail calendar as clients schedule/reschedule/cancel appointments. This requires keeping two calendars synchronized ongoing, creating risk of mistakes, re-work, breakdowns, inefficiencies, and variations in client service.
James Phillips commented
Let the confirmation come from Calendly or ScheduleOnce. This needs to be a feature that is added and sync's flawlessly.