link an existing note to an existing activity
Link Existing Notes to Existing Activities
Under the Note Actions you can link an existing note to account - why not to an Existing Activity? I frequently need to clean up the data base for continuity and correctness. This would be a tremendous help to all admin users.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Chuck Vercellone commented
Still no movement on this issue! how hard is it to add the ability to link a note to an activity. as it stands now, I may enter a note to a contact then realize it relates to an open or closed activity, I have to copy, paste the note to the activity note area then delete the original note losing the logged date and time of that note. too many steps.
Chuck Vercellone commented
Is there any new movement on this issue? I am wasting quite a bit of time getting the notes attached to the correct activity.
Chuck Vercellone commented
Please push to add this feature. With Covid19 I am scheduling more calls/video conferences with clients - as the activity for the meeting is on the calendar, and I am using Mobile Assistant for dictation, the notes are automatically being attached to the client file. I am having to copy the note to add it to the notes tab in the activity so I have the entire meeting in one place and deleting the prior note from Mobile Assistant so there are not 2 versions of the same note. I would much more efficient if I could just select the notes tab in the activity and select "attach an existing note" instead.
Kristen Crouthamel commented
Please add the ability to link a note or notes to multiple Activities. Sometimes when logging a client email or other correspondence, phone call, letter, etc. that conversation with the client covers three tasks/activities being worked on. Rather than having it linked to just ONE activity, I'd like to be able to link it to all activities that may be covered - usually service activity oriented. Right now I have to put the same note in three times if it covers three activities (copy & paste), then it shows up three times in the notes screen.
Chuck Vercellone commented
Why can we not link a note to an open/existing activity. We can create a new activity from a note but not link a new note to an existing activity. I use Mobile Assistant and will dictate notes from a client meeting. I would like the note to show up in the activity to keep things together. I am having to copy and paste from the note to the note section in the activity then delete the prior note so there not 2 copies. We should be able to open the note and link it to the activity.
AMY HONG commented
link multiple existing notes to existing activity!
Chuck Vercellone commented
Especially when using Mobile Assistant. You dictate a note for an appointment but the note doesn't come in for 8 business hours, and then it comes in as a note attached the client. The dictation is CYA on the activity. Should be able to attach it directly to an existing activity to keep the notes organinzed.
Chuck Vercellone commented
When using Mobil Assistant to dictate a note, it is placed automatically in the notes section. When that note relates to an activity, it would be great if, instead of copy and pasting in the linked notes area of the activity, we could search for an existing note and create the link there. (I like to see the notes for the activity when I am looking at the completed activity when I am reviewing for the next meeting)
Cassie commented
I would love if there was a prompting screen or more ovibsou indication when entering a new note into the client's Notes to be able to tell IF and WHAT Activities are currently opened and IF and WHAT Activities have been closed within the last 31 calendar days or so.