highlight sections of notes or descriptions in the activity...this is a very important feature that needs to be added
highlight sections of notes or descriptions in the activity...this is a very important feature

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Kay Herring commented
I agree with Bobbi (commented on 11/11/2020) My advisor does the same thing by responding to questions in an email by the question in a previous email and will highlight his response.
This should be an easy addition to the note widget! We already have access to underline, bold and italic text in a note.
Bobbi commented
I agree with Natasha's comment. Color Coding text would be very helpful with our office. My advisor sometimes responds to questions in an email by the question, but when I copy the information into the notes section in Redtail. The whole conversation is black and not very helpful.
Anonymous commented
I agree this feature would be extremely helpful for all the reasons noted. To follow on the comment that creating a separate task is not an adequate substitution to highlighting - in some cases, creating a separate task or note would not even be possible, e.g., to quickly see the name of someone I talked to in connection with the task, confirmation numbers, and the like. I strongly encourage Redtail to implement this suggestion. Thank you!
Natasha Bassill commented
When adding notes to an activity, it would be incredibly useful to have additional features, such as color coding text and highlighting text. We often include lengthy notes with updates. It would be so much more efficient for us to color code what notes have been completed, what is still in process and what is urgent. The toolbar has emojis...I can't imagine it is terribly difficult to add the option to color code and highlight fonts. Thank you.
Lyndsey commented
Please add an more advanced toolbar for notes (AND ACTIVITIES!) that includes different font, color and size options.
Lyndsey commented
We would love to see an more advanced toolbar in notes and activities so that different fonts, sizes and colors are available to use.
Alex Lebron commented
Please add, this is a simple enhancement that would be very helpful
Alex Lebron commented
Please add this feature so we can see additions in Green and withdraws in Red. Also, it would be nice to be able to have place to list systematic distributions and contributions.
Anonymous commented
It would also be helpfull to actually have underline work too. It is an option, but doesn't work. We need the notes to be able to be manipulated like in Excel. Colors, fonts, underlines... really important for things to pop out, like an RMD not for instance.
Anonymous commented
It would also be helpfull to actually have underline work too. It is an option, but doesn't work. We need the notes to be able to be manipulated like in Excel. Colors, fonts, underlines... really important for things to pop out, like an RMD not for instance. I
Debi Balogh commented
It would be extremely helpful to be able to highlight within a task or note. At present we can only Bold, Italicize or Underline and none of those options are very 'attention getting' - even when using all three at the same time.
If I have a pending task and there is a portion of it that is particularly important - I want to be able to clearly see it. I do not want to have to create a separate task do delineate that portion as then we generate all the unecessary e/mails etc.
I do see that this has been requested before, in fact, more than once and yet it shows denied - with no explanations. Per the comments, the request for certain options to allow us to delineate specific areas of text has been going on since 2011? Really? Please reconsider.
Kelly commented
Need color options for text in notes. Helps in a larger business for wanting things to stand out. Smart Office offers this, and is something we miss.
Barb Lamont commented
I type notes all day in client's CRM files. It would be helpful if we had at least one other font color (red for example) so that if we have a very important note that needs to stand out, would could go directly to the "important red notes" rather than reading every single note until we find the one we are searching for.
Katie Watt commented
We want to be able to highlite or color code certain script in the "Recent Notes" Section. This would allow us to Color Code a Header (i.e., red), then add script in black.