When printing contact notes the font is too small. Please increase or give option to change
When printing contact notes the font is too small. Please increase or give option to change

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Shari Showers commented
When printing a note, the font is still pretty small. Is there a way to update the font size so when it is printed you can read easier?
Sylvia commented
The font size needs to be bigger when printing a note. It's so tiny it's barely readable.
Anonymous commented
When I use the print feature on notes the font is extremely small. Can this be enlarged?
Anonymous commented
The font size needs to be increased. It's way too small.
Anonymous commented
Increase Font on Note Report!
Brenda commented
The idea to print a calendar (or anything for that matter), is to read it. However, the print out from Redtail calendar is approximately a 2 - 3 pt font. Nearly impossible to read and there are no options to change it. I also am unable to find a way to NOT print the weekends, as that serves no purpose for our business and might make the print out larger. Correcting this would be much appreciated. Thank you