broadcast email
If I run a quick list to show all clients that have email and a husband/wife both have the same email in their records, the broadcast email gets sent twice to the same address. I currently have to review hundreds of contacts and uncheck anyone that has a duplicate email. I would like the system to disregard duplicate emails and only send once for each email provided

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Michael Gluski commented
If you remove the "primary" status of one of the contacts email address, it should not populate in the broadcast email list... I think.
Faith Williams commented
Hey! It has been almost two years since this post! Are there any advancements on making this update so that we are able to send broadcast emails without duplication?
Denise Salzman commented
What is the status on this?
Faith Williams commented
This would be a great improvement! Is there any update?
abraham chapa commented
This is a great idea. Any update?
JClark commented
Yes, Patti! I totally agree, as I have to do the same tedious job of looking through hundreds to identify duplicates and then manually uncheck the duplicates before I send the emails. This would be sooooo helpful!