DST Vision Integration
I know and saw someone suggested this in the past, but you guys really should do an integration with DST Vision.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Stacey Gaines commented
Operations Manager commented
The last update on this was in 2020. I would view this as critical for every advisor since DST Vision is what practically everyone uses. Can we get an update? It seems like the critical updates aren't as important as Redtail makes it seem. So disappointing that the things advisors actually need Redtail can't seem to do.
Carlton & Company Financial commented
This integration would save us so much time from the tedious work of adding the accounts manually in Redtail. Would love to see it as an added feature.
TJ Bryson commented
This would be an awesome addition!
Lamont Brown commented
Yes I agee
ALex Peets commented
It would make life so much easier to see DST pushing clients into Redtail.