Redtail Scheduling
Just like you guys have Redtail imaging it would be nice to have Redtail scheduling! An integration where clients can go to our websites, or we can send links out via email to schedule appointments. Either a phone call or in office appointment. Client can see set times and dates available and they pick what they want. They can even leave a note about what they want to talk about in their appointment. System would send out a reminder email to the client the day before. Client could also cancel from the reminder email with a reason. It would be cool if the system would ask us if we put certain activities in the calendar ourselves, if we wanted to send out a reminder email to the tagged individual. We already have a system that links to our outlook, thru the retriever, to Redtail but that allows for to much error and uses up our time checking to make sure things are correct.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Monet Hurlbut commented
Agreed. Instead of having to acquire another app/software to do this like ScheduleOne, it would be great to have the capability already integrated within Redtail.