COVID-19 - Virtual Scheduling
Now more than ever, we need an integration for clients & prospects to schedule appointments with software like Calendly. Are there other apps that people are using? What does everyone recommend? We need something user friendly for clients to be integrated with Redtail

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Anonymous commented
Would be willing to give anyone a demo of our solution if you are keen. This is a 2-way sync with Redtail.
Amy Walls commented
I'd suggest adding the various scheduling software tools. We use Acuity.
Kenny Weiss commented
Fortunately, with two way sync, clients who use these scheduling services (ScheduleOnce, Calendly etc.) can get their appointments into Redtail. Assuming these scheduling services sync with their personal/work calendar as well. Besides having to manually link the appointment with the contact, it works alright.
However, the biggest problem is if clients call to make appointments. I do not think it is reasonable to have our staff log into these scheduling services and/or go through the online scheduler themselves on behalf of the client in order to get it into Redtail while syncing it with the scheduling service.
Therefore, it would be great if there was a direct integration with one of these scheduling services. I dream of an integration as follows:
1. Client calls to set appointment.
2. Admin puts in a point under client profile in Redtail with the option to automatically set up a Zoom Meeting which will generate a code in the description of the meeting.
3. Automatic/Semi-Automatic integration with ScheduleOnce or Calendly. Reason this is important is so clients get confirmation emails/reminders about their appointment directly from these scheduling services.Obviously, this would require a lot of work and it probably is not feasible in the short-mid term. However, Zapier integration can only do so much! The only alternative is for Redtail to create their own calendar/appointment reminder system. I highly doubt that that is their focus as only recently they came out with a decent mobile app.
If Redtail CRM is supposed to be the primary hub for advisors, then this is the direction the company must take with the help of partner companies from the video conferencing and online scheduling industries.