To do list
Please create a task lists that more of a running list like a to do list. I have to go to Notion or other app to see my things to do for the day. I dont want it in my calendar or part of a workflow. Thanks

Guenter Wesch commented
Agreed. Use Microsoft To Do instead, but it would be much nicer to have in redtail I feel like I go to redtail when I have to, its not a place I want to go. If it had more functionality I needed every day I would use it more and appreciate it more.
Operations Manager commented
I agree, this would be invaluable. I use Microsoft-to-Do List, and I don't know why something like this hasn't already been implemented. The original request was made under 3 years ago and no one from Redtail has commented on the idea....
Erin Coe commented
Yes! Absolutely this would be invaluable!
Tom commented
yes, this is a must have. Please make this possible.
Gina Bass commented
A To Do List would be great for keeping up with daily tasks.
Scott Bass commented
I agree with the comments above. I have to use Outlook task to keep a running To Do list and it would be better if I could link to specific clients in Redtail.
Dan Heth commented
And with the ability to link to a contact, set a priority level, and mark it as complete or put on my calendar as a scheduled task when I'm ready to attack it.
S McDaniel commented
Would love to have the ability to have a running to-do list on the Today page for open-ended items. This would be great for those items that are important but don't have a due date. Would also be nice if a priority level could be assigned and if they could be linked to contacts.