workflow outcome description template
Ability to create a template for the 'step notes' free-entry text box (comes up after completing a workflow step and adding an outcome). IE to make sure outcome notes are consistent, and prompt/remind user what details should be included in that box.
Similar to the template ability for description box on activities + notes.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Chris Sagan commented
The awesome way to do this, would be to have a number of templated "Workflow step notes" in the main "Manager your account" page.
THEN, within the workflow template, you could specify which templated notes are available to choose from, when completing a step.
Lynda C commented
Was discussed w Katherine B during essentials web training on 6/11/20 11a PT