Ability to do a keyword search through notes, and ability to search for notes added during a specific time period.
We have times we don't remember which client we submitted a note for, so to search for the keyword in the notes category would be great. Or even search for all of the notes submitted during a specific time period. We can currently only view the notes submitted in the past week. What if we need to look at the notes submitted the previous week? There is no option, record, or list anywhere to access this.

Hollie Crabtree commented
You can setup note categories- this is how I seperate:
Incoming/Outgoing Calls
Important Info
ETCYou can then search for those categories through the reports section.
To set up note categories:
1. Click your name in top right hand corner
2. Manage Your Account
3. Manage Database Lists
4. (On the right- Under Activities and Notes) Choose Categories
5. Chose Categories
Create Note Template
Redtail has a how to guide on this one.. its very easy to understand. find it by clicking the ? on top right hand corner of CRM, Redtail Helpdesk, Type "Note Template" in the search bar and VOILA! -
Hollie Crabtree commented
So... there is a long drawn out way to do this...
Notes by Contact
>Pick date<
>Note Text< -
Russell Harris commented
I agree. The ability to search all notes would be very helpful. Right now, we have to use a different platform, such evernote, to get this capability and then integrate them into this system. It'd be great if redtail had this function itself, eliminating the need for this integration which is slow and cumbersome.