Ability to see past due workflow tasks on "Workflow tasks to do today" but in red
Right now when a teammate completes a workflow task that is past it's set due date, the next person in the workflow is not alerted that it has been completed and it shows up as past due. Unless I check "Past Due" workflows every day, it is very easy for things to get missed. This is a HUGE problem and could lead to massive errors. I propose that the next step in a completed workflow that is "Past Due" either have a reminder with it or show up in red on the "Workflow tasks to do today." Thank you!

Jenn commented
Redtail I really hope you work on this soon. My staff is neglecting workflows and this is the reason we've have zero adoption of workflows. It's very challenging to see things through to completion when they are not on your radar. Personally, I'd rater the workflow tasks show up in my "Things to do" like any other tasks. I don't prefer them to be separated. Please put some resources around making this happen!
Noel Romines commented
Agreed! Workflows don't work if the task due date comes and goes and it isn't completed, nothing advances and I don't want to keep reminding colleagues about past due workflow tasks, I want the system to do that - please.
Michelle Moericke commented
I like this idea.... also could the past due tasks REMAIN on the today screen until completed?
Alex F commented
Agreed, PLEASE show past due and upcoming workflow tasks on the Workflow tasks due today interface. I want to see everything outstanding in this view for better usability. As of now, I don't think I've ever logged in and seen anything in that area of the home screen. Same goes for activities. Name it something else if you have to, but it's a poor user experience to have to click elsewhere to get this info. The dashboard should show this by default.
Megan commented
In addition more filter options for the workflows view would be great. You can filter by workflow owner, but I'd like to filter by task owner. The options now are very limited. I'm losing track of workflows bc there's too many and the views are not condensed enough, or condensed too much. Reminders that actually alert you would be beneficial as well, instead of just a reminder section, which again is too much and not filter friendly.
Chuck Vercellone commented
Agree - open workflows need to be seen from the dashboard and not just activities that are due on that date - should show current and past due (with date due) workflow tasks otherwise things are falling through the cracks.
Susan Schley commented
Past Due Workflows do not show up on the today page and there is no button to see what your past due workflows are without seeing all of the workflow items assigned to you and because of this, workflow steps and tasks could fall through the cracks. It would be great if the Past Due tasks stayed on the today page in red until completed. Is there something in the works to separate out past due workflows?