Past due tasks stay on Today screen
When I assign a task to myself or someone else, it will be on my today screen until the due date. If I don't get to it, and it goes to past due, it goes in the past due section. This would be fine, except every single calendar event goes there too, and it is useless for finding past due tasks. Like any good task list, they should stay on the Today screen until they are actually marked as complete. Unless I'm missing something, which is very possible....

Shawn Ewasyshyn commented
We have had many tasks fall through the cracks due to the 'out of sight, out of mind" nature of having to go to a different page. Please add to the today 'home' screen!!
Janice Young commented
It's frustrating when my boss assigns a task with a due date in the future and every day it goes to the past due screen. I have to manually rollover or reschedule multiple tasks every day. This is a completely inefficient use of my time. They are not past due. Please keep them on the Today screen until they are past their actual due date. Thanks!
Operations Manager commented
Over two years, and I'm sure many of us would like to see this feature, which is requested multiple times and multiple places here....
Operations Manager commented
Having a past due task stay on the today screen instead of rolling over to the void makes LOGICAL sense, I don't see how this was never the standard. I've moved all of my tasks to Microsoft Tasks simply because they don't remove the past due items and highlight them in red until I complete them. A simple thing Redtail could implement but haven't.