Linking of Contacts, Accounts to Opportunities and Opportunity Notes
Opportunities can link contacts on the "big picture" side. We would like to see the ability to link an account to opportunities as well, either pending or existing accounts.
Additionally, we would really like to see all notes made in the opportunity automatically link to any linked contact or account. We currently have to do a double entry on the contact level, which makes it easy for someone to miss and potentially leave the note stuck in the opportunity. For the accounts, we have to make sure the contact linked, then go to the contact record, then link the account from there.
Linking all of these would be a great way to faciliate tracking the history of accounts, as well as make the use of opportunities that much more valuable in Redtail.

Michelle Ponce commented
Opportunities has the potential of being a one stop shop for any advisor team tracking their new business. I believe linking activities and notes within the opportunity and to the contact allows an advisor team to visualize the exact status, incoming revenue, outstanding items, and provide a full picture for the business owner.