Activity Template - Add checkboxes, fillable PDF style
I like the idea of an activity template but I have some processes done now on forms that have nice spots to check off things and in activities I cannot do that. I would love a checkbox bulleted list option like in OneNote. I also would love to be able to make some default activity template text not editable and make it obvious where a person needs to fill out their info. I don't want them deleting 'Account Type - ' to put in (on a new account template) IRA. I also wouldn't mind making some boxes or fields required as well so they have to fill out my digitized form in the activity completely before they can save it/assign it.
Jamie Hornback commented
We began utilizing Activities end of 22. I have built templates for each type of scenario, death, divorce, new client. Each of these requires multiple steps for our staff. While we tried Workflows as it covers all of this, I couldn't get the group to use them like I can Activities. It would be great if they best parts of Activities and best Parts of Workflows were merged. Since it isn't, in the templates I built I have an outline format in the body of the activity for the checklists staff need to do. They enter the date and their initials in front of each task within the checklist. Any N/A task, they can delete. While this is working, it would be nice to simplify more. I also have the body of the activity with headers. Advisor Instructions, then Actions Taken. If there were separate sections in the activity, it would be even cleaner.