Ramsey ProPortal Integration for SmartVestor Pros
I was wondering if there is any way that someone at Redtail could look into starting an integration with the Ramsey Pro Portal? When a person applies for a nearby SmartVestor on the Ramsey Solutions website, they input their name, email, phone number, city, state, and zip code. On the SmartVestor's (our) end, that information immediately populates to the Ramsey Pro Portal website from which that data can be exported to a .csv file. Instead of manually inputting each prospect or waiting for 25 prospects to apply so that we can use an import spreadsheet, we were wondering if you guys could investigate starting an integration between Redtail and the Ramsey Pro Portal. With the integration, we hope that those incoming prospects could be automatically imported to Redtail after they apply for nearby SmartVestors on the Ramsey Pro Portal. If there is technology already available that would do that for us without the integration, let us know and we will definitely look into it.