Feature to move and sort tasks on today page
I would love a feature that allows me to manually move tasks on the today page so I can put them in the order I want to do them. This would help me prioritize and move down my list of tasks rather than jumping around. I also wish there was a feature that allowed me to group tasks. To explain, we are going through a merger right now. There are tasks I need to complete, and then there are tasks that I need to be on so that I can follow along, take notes, and monitor, but there isn't always a daily action on my part. The tasks show up on my today page but are distracting and hard to weed through, but I need to be on them. I am also training someone, so I need to be on their tasks to monitor, but I'm not ultimately responsible for them. If there was a way I could group the tasks for the merger, the tasks for the new employee I'm training, and the daily tasks that I need to complete, that would be both helpful and more efficient. I also think this feature could be optional, as in you don't need to use it if you don't find it helpful. Thanks!