Allow customization of "Servicing Advisor" and "Writing Advisor" terms
We are a wealth management firm that is not an RIA. We do not have sub-advisors, nor do we use the terminology "writing advisor" (this confuses everyone).
It would be great to customize how we refer to the team members who are bringing in business and managing each client relationship. We might decide to call them "Relationship Manager" and "Sales Manager" for example.

Devin commented
Agreed - simply make the "Servicing Advisor" and "Writing Advisor" fields Free form where admin access can edit the field to display what the firm desires.
Will commented
Come on Redtail, why do we have to wait 7 years for you to fix this? Writing Advisor is dumb. Please let us customize it.
Pat Strubbe commented
We agree with the previous comments that this would be a hugely helpful feature for us that we would make use of immediately. Thank you!
Meghan Hinsdale commented
This appears to be a suggestion since 2016. Redtail please update us
Heath Echols commented
Really hard to believe that this has not been implemented. Bury whatever these are in the Membership/Roles section and bring Advisor, Associate Advisor and CSA to the Contact Details section.
Noelle Trudeau commented
I completely agree! I was just searching for what "Writing Advisor" actually means, so that I can use the term correctly - is it the advisor who /originally/ brought a client in, or the advisor under whose Rep ID the client exists currently as one of the representatives who has to /sign off on/ anything account related, etc. The ability to customize these labels to suit our language and purpose would be wonderful!
JP commented
Yes! Although we are new to Redtail, this is extremely important to us. Our terminology is different and we would like to see it consistent throughout the application.
Sam commented
I agree. We would like to change it to Tax Preparer and Financial Advisor...
Anonymous commented
I love this idea. For example we'd like to call these fields: Lead Advisor and Supporting Advisor.