Laserapp - Memberships
all memberships should transfer to laser app, not just children, they could be ex spouse or other family members that are benes. the way it is now i have to input the info in membership with redtail & imput the same in laser app when all person attached to a contact should beable to be picked & added not just children

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Anonymous commented
I noticed comments going back to 2015. Having to add adult children through the Membership function by itself is not a big deal. However once you try to utilize a partner like Laserapp the inability to pull in adult family information to insert into beneficiary forms becomes a very big deal. A vast majority of my client's beneficiaries are adult children and having to enter them manually defeats the purpose of using a partner like Laserapp. Please consider making this function available.
Using memberships in the integration with Laser Apps would be beneficial. For example if I need to update beneficiaries on a form and a client has adult children they would not be listed as a dependent in the household so they do not show up in the list of choices to insert on the Laser Apps form. If all the clients memberships showed in the list we could chose any one to be a beneficiary.
Adam Langdon commented
This can be solved by mapping "Members" to Laser App. This is an easy fix please get it done.
Suzanne commented
I just migrated to Leapfrog a few days ago and am already annoyed with how Laser App works now. Before, you could add family members that were in the database and their info would load in Laser App. Now, you cant even add family members if they are part of another household. How annoying is that??????? So, if you wanted to add children to a household, you would have to remove them fro their own family and add them to the other household so you can upload their info. what a pain!
Anonymous commented
This would save our office much time.
Anonymous commented
Ditto! We need the 'members'(as defined in memberships) of families to go to laserapp as they are almost always beneficiaries, but are not necessarily dependents. I was told at Redtail U that a Redtail family is a 'tax defined' family, so adult children and nieces/nephews, siblings should not be in that contact's family. But many times we need this info on forms for beneficiaries.
Karen Whittington commented
We have many cases where insurance/annuity clients have beneficiaries that are in other households. For example, a parent with 2 grown children who are primary beneficiaries, and 3 grandchildren who are contingents. The 2 grown children are heads of their own households. Currently, we can only send the client to LaserApp, and we have to manually type in the data for the other 5 individuals. This is not at all time efficient. If there is another way to fix this issue, I'm open to any ideas. Thanks!
Rosalyn Davis commented
Membership population for our Company Contacts would be extremely helpful for population of Authorized Individual Information directly from REDTAIL into Group Retirement Plan Paperwork other Plan Level/ Company level forms.
Anonymous commented
On the integration with Lazerapp we need Redtail to push the children over. Currently Redtail only links the contact and spouse. Nearly every Lazerapp form we use we need to input children as contingent beneficiaries. Our last CRM did this with Lazerapp so it is certainly doable. Can you please add this to your feature requests? It would be a big time saver.
Anonymous commented
DEBBIE commented
Anonymous commented
Have LaserApp pull GAI from Financials instead of Professional Contacts..... as one would assume it would...
Also, fix it so you don't have to enter the occupation twice. If you don't put the occupation in the in header (under the name) it won't pull over into laserapp. Have that auto fill from the professional contacts or vice versa.
Anonymous commented
When you have clients that have adult children who also have accounts with you, you are not able to use lazer app to populate the beneficiary section. For example: Mom has an IRA and wants her adult children to be contingent beneficiaries. you have to type all of their information in, because redtail has no way of connecting them to the mother so Lazer App can see them. totally bogus Smartoffice has them beat by a mile in this department!
Charles commented
Laser Apps' functionality is exceptionally hurt by the lack of this functionality. Tons of opportunities to make further mistakes and lack of efficiencies in data entry requirements.
Thanks for looking into this in advance, Redtail!
Angela Dittmer commented
Strongly agree!!!!
Anonymous commented
Clients with adult children that are not dependents are put into Redtail under Memberships. Memberships do not populate into laser apps so we have to manually write down the name, social security & birthdates in order to input it manually into the application within Laser Apps. This is very time consuming & easy to make errors.
Anonymous commented
Please Have memberships sent to LaserApp too for TailWag, we need the family to be pulled through and lots of times we have the children as clients so have to list them under their parents as members, but they are still the beneficiaries for the parents and need them to sync iwth laser app. to populate on forms.
Anonymous commented
Family members who are not in the home are supposed to be linked to contacts in the membership section.
Their are two main problems with this:
1. Memberships do not export to Laser App. Since older children not living in the home are often listed as beneficiaries, I need a way to export their information to Laser App.
2. They are not easily visible, I would like memberships to be listed on the main contact page.
LaVonne Smith commented
Since the "family" fields are only for dependents... please make the memeberships fields able to port into Laserapp to be used for beneficiary purposes.
Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I agree, but for the time being, we have to use the HOH record. You can still do the spouse's ap, you just have to remember to insert them in ALL the boxes where they will need their info, including signature page. I've accidentally done this and forgot to insert spouses name there. I have to say, Laserap is the best thing next to white bread if you ask me. Makes for nice, clean forms!