default values for every field
Kindly enhance the system where i can setup default values for many of the fields For example, if i want a particular team to be given access or notified most of the time, I should be able set that as a default instead of selecting the same every time i create a task or opportunity. Ability to select defaults should be provide to most if not ALL fields.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Anonymous commented
I agree that it would be highly helpful (and much more efficient) if the permissions could be set up with a default. By having to set the permissions every time I enter a note or activity, it doubles the amount of time necessary to do it.
Anonymous commented
It would be great if we could change the preferred length of different activities--so a phone call may last 15 minutes, but meetings and reviews are 1 hour, etc. It would just be nice to be able to tailor it further to default to each users preference.
steve siders commented
I just learned from tech support that an unlimited date range causes problems if users setup repeat activities that "never end" (annual or monthly). That makes sense.
But I don't like hard coded date range (5 months back & 7 months forward). I would suggest that users be allowed to "edit" the date range using an option that fits their needs (within reason). As an example - I would like to see activities up to 2 months past and 12 months into the future.
Anonymous commented
be able to view all contacts without having to click all each time. just set as a default until the number of contacts is large enough to want to uncheck that default.
Mickla Adams commented
Additionally, on the tab that says show last 10 notes perhaps that can be changed to include options in addition to Show Last 10 notes to say "Show Last 25" or "Show Last 50" so that one is looking for a particular note we can select the note writer and last 25, 50 or so notes if we're not certain when the note was written.
Anonymous commented
Pending Activities on the clients main dashboard - it would be nice if the default could be set to include all activities including past due
Kristin commented
When opening up pending activities for a client you should be able to set your own default instead of having it automatically set to custom date range.
It is important for us to see all activities for a client not just a small date range.
Jackie A commented
I always have to click on filter dates and all pending activities don't show up unless I click on filter dates. All pending activities should appear
Anonymous commented
Our office would like to see save our own personal default. So if we want to see our own or our teams, we can. I also agree with Jay's comment below that notes should follow permissions for contact assigned to.
Jay commented
I would like to suggest that the permissions for notes should default to the permissions that are set for the client. We now need to click two to four more times to set the permissions.
Jay commented
All of our contacts are in Canada, it would be great to be able to set a default preference so that the country field is set for the country that you have most of your clients in.
Karina Rahn commented
I would like to be able to choose my default on the Today's overview -> Recently added notes. I know the default at the moment is EVERYONE, however I would like to be able to choose who I would want to see instead of having to change it all the time to "Me".