Make ALL Fields Searchable in the Advanced Search
If the fields are there, they should be searchable so that we can sort our data how we need to. I know it's a lot of work, but it would make Redtail so much more usable for marketing and servicing clients.
Primary Phone
Primary Email
Preferred (is phone, is email, is address, is empty, is not empty, etc.)
Account Renewal Date

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Kristen commented
Another field that needs to be including in the contact category is workflows! We use workflows to show when we should meet with clients, and this would be tremendously helpful so we know if any clients are missing workflows.
Kristen commented
Another searchable field should be workflows!
Paul Molina commented
As a User, I'm able to get really detailed in a contact record which I appreciate truly.
I can add licenses on a contact record and there's even a section to add my rep code in advisor details.
But I'm unable to search it. As well as some other fields.
I don't truly understand the logistics of development. I'm hoping to see all fields searchable from the CRM. Their maybe a handful of offices who use retail to the core with some fields unsearchable. -
Leo O'Connor Jr commented
This!!! Make it exportable too!
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able to search for any contacts that have a cellular phone listed to their records and have that pull up as a list that I can create a tag group from, for example. Basically, a search field for any contact details listed on a record would be great.
Anonymous commented
We would like to be able to search renewal dates. The reminder link is nice, but we would like to be able to search for "Is empty (NULL)" to find accounts with no renewal dates.
Advanced Search - Add Contact Primary Phone
Please add this in advanced search
Michele Tomlinson commented
It would be helping to be able to search on contacts that are in a seminar from advanced search, for example, I am making a maling list, email list, and/or phone list to invite to the seminar, i would like to exclude those already attending the seminar.
Scott Sirois commented
I agree 100%. We are really trying to move all of our "client data" from disparate sources (like spreadsheets) into the CRM. However, it is frustrating that we can't search or report on quite a bit of this info (thus why it is in spreadsheets with filters!!).
This is really important if we are to rely heavily and solely on our CRM as our primary client contact source of information. Please.
Anonymous commented
Can you add county under fields in addition to zip to narrow searching for clients and enabling grouping.
Brad Williamson commented
I don't understand why I could record data in a database that I am unable to use in a search. Once example is the "renewal date" of an account. However, under "Contacts - Advanced Search - Account" there is no option to specify "Renewal Date". There are many other data points that I can't use (or find) in the advanced search area. I've looked under every Type, but can't find that field anywhere. Can you add this field and every other missing field. In general, the Advanced Search could be organized a little better anyway. Why is "Contact Keyword" and different Type and not a field in "Contact". Anyway, I'd love the simple change, but thought there is more work to be done too.
Amber commented
It would be very useful to have an option to select workflows into the advanced search so you have more options of how you want to filter specific clients based on their workflows. This option would also help immensely to do bulk emails to clients with active workflows. It would also help immensely to be able to pull up custom exports and additional reports based on workflows.