When creating new activity, give users the option to make the "more details page" the default.
Currently, there are lots of suggestions for fixing the abbreviated activities dialogue box. Many users are unhappy with the multi-step process for assigning activities to other users, adding notes, etc. It's very inefficient and lots of users prefer the Leapfrog approach to adding activities - one dialogue box with all the details on one page. It was very efficient.
Maybe the best solution to making the process more efficient in Tailwag is to bypass the abbreviated dialogue box. There are two options.
Get rid of the abbreviated dialogue box Altogether. When the user clicks add activity, Tailwag goes directly to the detailed page with all the options available (add notes, assign to, add contacts, etc). This is my preferred option.
Add a user preference to allows users to choose the default setting.
Option 2A: For users who like the abbreviated box, they can leave it as it is. No change.
Option 2B: For those who prefer seeing all the details (like leapfrog), make it possible for them to make the default setting go directly to the more details page.
Either of these options would go a very long way in helping users improve the efficiency of adding new activities. These would save time and reduce user frustration.
The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Anonymous commented
Please revert to the RedTail way of doing this. This has made the process much slower
Anonymous commented
Please fix this ASAP! This is very time consuming. THANK YOU!
Jason M commented
Please fix this immediately! This is something I do hundreds of times a day and is now absurdly time consuming.
Anonymous commented
Please, for the love of God, please bring back a drop down list of users rather than having to Add/Delete Attendees
Slows the workflow down quite a bit
Kate commented
When in the calendar view, I use the double click feature on a time to add a new event (appointment, task, etc.). It gives you the option to add an attendee, but I'd like to be able to add multiple in the quick add screen, rather than clicking more details and waiting for that screen to load before adding multiple attendees.
John broderick commented
it takes 4 clicks just to assign a task to someone. There should be a drop down menu with people in your office to assign task too
Elizabeth Ludlam commented
Reassign Activity Attendee WITHOUT having to go to "more details." When working on a task we tend to need to flip a task back and forth between assistants and the advisors. Having to click the "more details" tab is a frustrating extra step. Especially when Tailwag crashes and you lose your notes in the activity.
Alana Wagner commented
I.E. when the event was created, who created it, who it's assigned to, etc. Even if you are in a calendar event and click "More Details," it still does not show this information. Currently it comes through in the email notifications, but it would be more beneficial to keep track of this information directly on the calendar, as opposed to having to save and track the email notifications.
Anonymous commented
It would be nice to have both options, similar to Google Calendar. There, if you click once it only allows editing a few things, however, double-clicking a time slot will take you to the page to edit every detail possible.
Anonymous commented
Add user preference to show "Edit" View when creating an activity. This would allow users to double-click on a calendar day and be able to add things including linked accounts, team notify, and delete activity without having to click "edit" each time.
Tamara Meissel commented
In Leapfrog, you could select/change an attendee within the activity details box. In Tailwag, it feels like there are more steps to add and delete attendees. For efficiency purposes, we need less steps.
Sandy commented
Seems like it could be set up like the "Linked Contacts" option. It could say "Additional Attendees" and have a drop down box to select from.
Linda Goff commented
I'd like to see the ability to have the Activity Details sheet default upon its opening to the "more details" - this would allow the users more options for use and less "drilling down" to uncover additional tools.
Linda G
Diane commented
Diane commented
Very Important- as our firm grows...the CRM needs to be able to accommodate multiple attendees.
Anonymous commented
This is important to us. Thank you.
Rosalyn Davis commented
I agree.
Rosalyn Davis commented
Much needed enhancement to this feature. Great idea!
Yanina commented
Having the ability to add multiple attendees from the calendar pop up window is crucial! Even as a "Save and Clone" button (as in RedTail) or an "add attendees" button (as in TailWag) just like the option for adding linked contacts.
The calendar pop up window is also missing the following categories:
- Category
- Account
-Team Notify
* Please see RedTail calendar pop-up window for reference. -
Yanina commented
having the ability to add multiple attendees from the calendar pop up is crucial even as a "save and clone" button; that would be helpful - also what about the category button? that would be useful as well