When creating new activity, give users the option to make the "more details page" the default.
Currently, there are lots of suggestions for fixing the abbreviated activities dialogue box. Many users are unhappy with the multi-step process for assigning activities to other users, adding notes, etc. It's very inefficient and lots of users prefer the Leapfrog approach to adding activities - one dialogue box with all the details on one page. It was very efficient.
Maybe the best solution to making the process more efficient in Tailwag is to bypass the abbreviated dialogue box. There are two options.
Get rid of the abbreviated dialogue box Altogether. When the user clicks add activity, Tailwag goes directly to the detailed page with all the options available (add notes, assign to, add contacts, etc). This is my preferred option.
Add a user preference to allows users to choose the default setting.
Option 2A: For users who like the abbreviated box, they can leave it as it is. No change.
Option 2B: For those who prefer seeing all the details (like leapfrog), make it possible for them to make the default setting go directly to the more details page.
Either of these options would go a very long way in helping users improve the efficiency of adding new activities. These would save time and reduce user frustration.
The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Kristine commented
Also when printing out the activity if would be nice if everything showed on one page and not 2
Anonymous commented
I agree!!
Anonymous commented
I agree!!
Alisha Macom commented
Just noticed this morning that we can now add and attendee when you schedule from the calendar page. That's great! It would be nice if you could add multiple attendees though.
Anonymous commented
Please improve the "Add Activity" feature, especially when clicking a time on the calendar to add the activity. The information that can be added there is very limited and there are WAYYYY too many clicks. For an assistant to add an appointment for a Rep from the calendar it's a double click, then FOUR clicks to add each contact, ONE click for the edit button (because you can't add notes or attendees from the calendar pop-up), FIVE more clicks to add each attendee (we typically have at least two attendees), and ONE more click to remove the assistant's attendee status. Plus a click to save assuming you aren't linking an account or not or anything else. That's 19 clicks (assuming 2 attendees) for each typical meeting that we create in our small office. There's got to be a better way!