Redtail CRM
Welcome to our official Redtail CRM feedback forum!
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32 results found
1 vote
Family Categories and Status
It would be nice if we could specify Categories (e.g. Client, Prospect, etc.) and Status (e.g. Active, Inactive) for Families so that we can quickly identify those when running reports/searches at the Family level, as well as for segmentation purposes.
6 votes -
Families with out "head of household"
It would be ideal if we could link contacts per their relation to one another without having to have one of them be the designated "head of household". Like instances of adult children who do not live with their parents. Ideally, these people could all exist on one family tree without having to designate one of them as the head of household. Also, I think it would be great if the head of household was optional entirely. Maybe two members of a marriage do not live together, but are married and should both receive head of household status. On the…
3 votes -
personal profile form
I would like to list Beneficiaries and Key and/or Trusted Contacts on the Personal Profile form. Currently, as an inaccurate work-around, we are listing adult children as dependents so that they can be printed on the Personal Profile Form so we can update/check their information in our client meetings with their parents. If their contact information could be included without having to list them as dependents, that would be great!
Alternately, if household/membership information could be printed on the Personal Profile Form, that would be helpful - or as other folks have said if we could customize the Personal Profile…
7 votes -
More extensive family tree capabilities
The family tree that you can build out currently is extremely limited and linear - you should be able to build out siblings with their spouses and children. The membership section is out of the way and awkward to use.
8 votes -
adult children
We need a Family Tree tab or a section devoted to keeping track of and quickly communicating intergenerational relationships. The membership tab should be renamed/replaced with sections that show dependent (within household) and non-dependent relationships (within family but outside of household).
102 votes -
2 votes
A box in the Misc Information Tab specific for children and grandchildren and their birthdates
A box in the Misc Information tab specifically to keep information about children/grandchildren and their birthdays. That would be more helpful than their height and weight and smoking section.
28 votes -
Family/Membership Custom Option
Currently the system only gives an option to add dependents. Dependents would be classified as people living in the home. There needs to be an option for people linked to them to show up on this page as well. Currently our beneficiaries have their own profiles and we have to for into memberships to find out their connection. Maybe a customizable family section where one could create their own connection the the contact it is being added too. This would be a HUGE benefit to me. Thank you for considering this!
19 votes -
Provide report that would show info for all members of a family/household
Provide a unique ID or something in a report so we can know which contact records are associated with which households. Show info for all members of a family/household.
9 votes -
Add age or birthdate on family page
Please add the age or birthdate with the dependent's name on the family page. That would allow us to see the ages of all the kids without clicking on each child.
16 votes -
Household names and labels
When linking a household and creating a name there is only a "Spouse"/Married label. This creates inaccurate labeling for our life partners or other significant others. Please allow us to adjust those labels at the top of the contact record rather than having conflicting information - Married at the top, partner below.
29 votes -
UDF's at Household Level
I'd prefer the ability to add UDF's at a household level instead of a contact level. Of if they have to be by contact, make them mirror each other when a contact is in the same household as another contact.
34 votes -
Relationship between households
When putting a family together, I think there should be more options than just married. We have some clients who become POA or even guardian of our clients and it is hard to connect them. If we were able to have more options like "Guardian of" instead of married it could make it easier.
85 votes -
Family Tree Mapping
With so many complicated family trees of divorces, 2nd and 3rd marriages, and children mixes among, I would like an improvement on the family tree mapping. I want to be able to look at a client and see their relationships to other clients in a more visual way than just the memberships tab. Thank you.
57 votes -
Divorced Couples with Children
It would be extremely helpful to be able to list minor children under both parents when the parents are divorced. As it is now, it looks as if the father does not have any children (because they are listed under the mother), when in fact he may. This creates frustration when we think we have the information we need and learn we do not.
32 votes -
19 votes
Household Documents
I think it would be a great idea to have household documents. This would reduce the double entry of documents under each contact.
23 votes -
add dependents
In the Household section, when you click the button to add a dependent... it prompts you for name and relationship. How about letting us put in the DOB and Social Security number too, optionally? Frequently, we will have that information and nothing else, for beneficiaries. Saves the step of having to then go into each profile and enter it. In a household with 4 kids, it saves several minutes.
26 votes -
It would be ideal if: the Family feature can accommodate entity names instead of just individuals or adopting a Household category as means for showing entity names (trusts/business entities etc...) in conjunction with the client relationship.
25 votes
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