@mention for Note User Notification in Alerts Bell
While notes do allow for email notifications to users, a CRM notification that would appear at the top of the bag by the bell would be much more useful. This would reduce steps (opening email, clicking on a link that requires an additional login), and would work better with integrations.
We currently use the jive integration to log client calls, but there is no way to link a user from there.
It sounds childish to request, but something along the lines of an "@" feature would be perfect.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Anonymous commented
This would be a great enhancement feature...not only so someone can't say they didn't know or as a reminder if they forgot, but also if there is a request that includes multiple people, one user will know that another user is aware of the task he/she has to do.
Anonymous commented
It would be great if when doing a note it tagged the people that you notified. For example, the clients name is on the right of the note, it would be great if the note listed the names for the team members that were notified on the left, or somewhere. This way people can't say they didn't see it etc... This way a person would know if they tagged someone in the note or if they forgot...
Anonymous commented
You can use the "Notify Team" option. Our office created "teams" for each individual person so that we could do just that.
Anonymous commented
Yes, this is huge. @ Another used to Inform them Of a task or @ a contact to tag a note to their record.
Lance commented
Similar to social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The ability to @ another user in a note, comment or activity description. This would create the ability to notify other team members when information is added that pertains to them.
Daniel commented
This would be awesome. I don't know how a modern CRM doesn't have this?
Leo O'Connor Jr commented
I agree. One place to see all of my notifications easily. Then let me filter by ones that trigger because of your setting or that trigger because someone was specifically drawing your attention to something.
I just tried using a note to notify someone in the office about a phone message they received while they were out. There was no way to go directly to the note. By chance from the today view she went to notes where it was on top but if the note was for someone on vacation for a week it would be buried.
Tammy Stoerkel commented
It would be great to send an alert to other users once a note is written or activity completed without sending countless emails. This would reduce the amount of emails we receive.
Anonymous commented
I would also prefer the option to select more than one user, but less than all users, when sending a note I have created. Additionally, as notes can be viewed on the Overview page, I would like the option to turn off the sending of emails to all users. This is a redundant activity, in my opinion.
Brian Ursu commented
It would be great to send an alert to other users once a note is written or activity completed without sending countless emails. It seems like an easy fix to me, but then again i don't know how.
Anonymous commented
It would be so helpful to have @Mention as a functionality - especially with tagging users in a comment.
This way, activities can be assigned easier and users can be notified when they are @mentioned in an task/comment/note, etc.Other CRMs use this functionality and it is a very tempting, cutting-edge feature!