Expand Automation Options
Automation is great! I love the idea, but it needs to be expanded. In our office, we have multiple staff and advisers. Many of the staff do the same functions for different advisers. To keep from making some lists too large, it would be great to expand the ability that automation currently offers.
Increase options for trigger events. Example: Client Review Date. It would be great to be able to automate a workflow based on the clients review date(s). This would create less work and tracking of the staff and advisers and make sure that clients are reviewed as often as they would like to have their accounts reviewed. Also, helps instill better practices in offices if the workflow is created, generated automatically, and followed with documentation.
Expand Condition Options. With multiple staff and advisers, sometimes they work together and sometimes it is only one adviser on a case. Two conditions I feel that should be added is the Account Activity Created By - Equals - User. Also, Account Activity Attendee(s) - Equal - User(s). This would help tremendously differentiate the different workflows needed for different advisers and joint work. Right now, there really is not a good way without expanding and creating longer and more confusing lists for the activity types and categories.
Actions. Like many have mentioned. It would be great to expand what actions take place due to certain conditions being met. The most used example is a client passing away. Their are a lot of different functions that take place. If automation could be set up to take multiple actions, such as, I change the client status to deceased and date of death added. Actions, remove client category, if married, change spouses martial status to widowed, change account statuses to pending claims (need to add this option), workflow triggered and started for pending claims. It would be nice have the automation set up to take multiple different actions so the staff and advisers have less time in making all the changes in Redtail. It would save the staff lots of mundane effort and time doing data entry and updates, to more energy being devoted to processing and getting things done. This would also save the advisers time and money as well, since they would not have much to do to accomplish a lot themselves, and keep their thoughts more on the money driving efforts and being more proactive as opposed to reactive. I know that concerns are sometimes that staff spends too much time on documentation, so this would be a great solution.
These are just some examples of what it would be nice to expand the automation to include. There are a lot more, but these seemed more pressing than some of the other nice to have options. It would be fantastic if automation could be expanded to even run quicklists and reports either based on set recurring dates or trigger events.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
GeekyTechMom commented
We need more conditions - For example: I set up a workflow for Annual Reviews and an automation to trigger on activity. The only conditions I can add are Activity Type, Activity Category, Activity Importance, Activity Priority. I have 4 activity types selected, but I also need a condition that it only does this for contacts with a certain status and category.
Dave commented
I could really use automation trigger = account status change. I have a number of tasks that need to be done when an account closes.
Dave commented
I'll second the contact keyword trigger request.
Patrick McNamara commented
Another Idea to add to Trigger Events: It would be wonderful if we can create an automation with a trigger event for any changes made in an activity. For example. If we had a 1st appointment (appt) scheduled with a prospect and the prospect cancels the appt. We would go back into the activity and change the activity status from 1st appt to canceled. Once the status changes, from 1st appt to cancel, we would like to link automatic workflow to make sure we follow back up with the prospect to reschedule them back in the future. I feel like this would be an easy addition to the automations since the automation has triggers that activate when contacts' status change.
Carin Dixon commented
Two things I would like to see automated: 1) We have created a "Client Review" workflow and set it to automatically launch when it is scheduled on the calendar. There are certain tasks that are assigned to only me. The rest of the tasks need to be assigned to the servicing advisor. I have to go into the WF each time it is launched and assign each task. I would like to be able to default all of the unassigned tasks automatically to the servicing advisor. 2) In addition, many times we have more than one advisor that should be assigned to a task; currently, I can only choose one advisor. For example, very often more than one advisor meets with a client, but I can only assign that task to one advisor. Bottom line: I need to have the ability to assign multiple advisors to one task.
Rachel commented
Ability to have contact and activity conditions for example If appt scheduled for "this advisor" - I want to do several different automation but I can't filter to the advisor
J Hansen commented
PLEASE also consider adding a Condition that checks for a particular Keyword assigned to a contact. Example in our case: On email change, if the contact has the email newsletter keyword attached, send a message to the receptionist to change the email address in the online newsletter system.
(BTW it's Constant Contact in our case. Would be nice if the email could be updated automatically through the Constant Contact integration but that's another issue...!)
Thank you.