Linking Activities, Workflows, Notes, Documents, & Opportunities
Add ability to link Activities to Workflows (by Contact Linked like Accounts). Should be able to link multiple activities and/or workflows.
Add ability to link Workflows to Activities (by Contact Linked like Accounts). Should be able to link multiple activities and/or workflows.
Add ability to link Activities and Workflows to each other as there are times multiple processes happening all at one time that I dependent on each other.
Add ability to link multiple Notes to Activities and Workflows.
Add ability to link Documents (Specific documents or Specific Folders) to Activities and Workflows.
Add ability to link Opportunities to Activites and Workflows (by Contact like Accounts). Also, if Opportunity linked to Workflow, then the stages should be automated to change as the Workflow progresses.
Adding the linking ability above would save tons of time and confusion for reps, agents, and staff.
Right now, the above takes about 15-30 minutes to link together manually. If above added, would shrink it down to 5-10 minutes. Plus, for the ones not so tech savvy it would save even more time with everything in one spot.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Paul Tencer commented
Please add option to link Opportunities to Redtail activities
Matt commented
Yes, please add option to:
Link Activity being closed out to New Activity being created
This provide the next person context of prior activity notes. -
Matt commented
Love all these. Please add--Link Activity to Activity.
Especially when closing out an Activity that will need a follow up Activity and next reader will need context of the now buried notes. -
Michelle Moericke commented
This is a time saving feature that would help our office too
Luke Baumgarten commented
Can we please get an update on where this is at?
Yvette commented
Yes, this an obvious functionality that is needed, especially since you cannot schedule workflows. Attaching a workflow to an activity allows workflows to be started at the right time. Linking a link to START a workflow is good, no need to automatically start the workflow, but an activity to remind a user to start the workflow and which one is good.
Anonymous commented
Yes Please !!!
Anonymous commented
Please add the ability to have opportunity documents store CRM Documents under a contact profile and link to account from when working within an Opportunity.
Anonymous commented
Yes, please add ability to link documents to activities and notes!
Tammy Duhon commented
Sometimes a workflow takes time because individual parts may be held up. It would be helpful to be able to see linked notes and documents in the workflow. We sometimes use activities in lieu of workflows because you can link associated notes and documents as needed.
It would also be helpful to link emails.
Christopher Tyler commented
In addition to Drew's idea:
Tracking an opportunity in RedTail currently requires 4 layers; which are, opportunities, workflows, activities, and notes. There is currently a break in the overall process between the workflows and activities; in that, we can link an opportunity to a workflow and an activity to a note, but cannot link a workflow to an activity. Why is this? can you please create the ability to link the two so the entire process can be united.
Alan Morgan commented
The votes for this suggestion may be higher based on other open suggestions: and
Drew Wilson commented
Just as we have the ability to link accounts in activities, it would be great to link accounts to workflows. Need to be able to do multiple as client reviews require a lot of work prior to appointment and sometimes we have lots of accounts to prepare.
Anonymous commented
Activities link account and contact,
Opportunities link contact, workflow and documents ...
Link an account to Opportunities or link workflow to Activities