Bulk Printing of Confidential Personal Profile
It would be great if we could Bulk Printing of Confidential Personal Profile. Going into each family is very time consuming.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Adrienne Sorensen commented
Is there a way to search for example all your B (category) clients and print all personal profile forms at once?
Shannon commented
We used to use the Detail Report for each client for our Meetings for a variety of tasks. It was convenient as it had everything in one place! It was also convenient to print these reports for several Clients from the Search page via "Bulk Actions". Now, it takes 10 times longer as we have to go into each contact page to print a Personal Profile Form. Customizing a report through Excel is simply inefficient and a waste. Please add the "Personal Profile Form" to the Bulk Actions!!
Kelly commented
To be able to run the Personal Profile form for multiple clients, "bulk" run.