Allow Color Coding on the Calendar by Advisor/Employee
It would be nice to be able to color code our calendar by the person the task is assigned to rather than the type of appointment. I know others like the status quo so if there would be a way to choose between both features that would help out our company nicely.
We gave users the ability to color code the attendees to an activity via bubbles on an activity. If users dont want to leverage the bubbles there is an option in the preferences menu named "Allow Attendee Bubble View" which can be disable the bubbles and go back to a "Classic" version of the calendar.
Anonymous commented
give each individual user a color on the calendar view. currently if you are trying to see the calendars for many persons it is a mess
Natalee commented
Is there any way we can get an update on this? The last update was a year ago.
Anonymous commented
This would work good for us too!!!
Norma commented
It would be nice to be able to look at the office calendar and be able to easily tell WHO has calendared items for period that is being viewed without having to go into the entries.
Marissa Welch commented
PLEASE add this feature. We have an office of 20 people which includes 5 financial planners and 15 support staff and have had to create each person as a 'Type' of calendar entry in order to see different colors per person. This makes the calendar less useful as we then have to manually enter the actual type of meeting in on the title of the event. As a small and very collaborative team we all need access to each others' calendars at all times so only viewing your own as a work-around isn't an option for us. Thanks!
Daniel N. commented
It would be convenient to have the option to match colors so that everyone in the office has the same and when one person changes the color it changes for the rest. Yet still keep the option to do so on an individual basis so that yours only changes.
Carrie Aburto commented
Allow us to assign different colors for different users so that if we are looking at our calendar and a colleague's calendar, we can obviously see which appointments are ours and which are our colleague's.
Kim commented
As an office manager I would like my calendar color coded by user. This way when I look at the calendar of all the agents it would be easier to tell who has appointments and when.
J Hansen commented
It would be very helpful to have the option to (1) assign a global calendar color scheme to all users AND/OR (2) be able to copy one user's calendar color scheme to another user.
We want to coordinate colors amongst all users and don't see a simple way to do that currently. As far as I can tell, currently we have to go in and screen-shot the existing colors and then manually enter them one-by-one for the new user. Is this the only way?
J Blac commented
I'm not going to look through the post history to see if anyone mentioned this, but there is a work around (helpful if you already are a Redtail subscriber). I'm currently using Tailwag, but the instructions should be similar.
On the top right corner, click on your name and select 'manage your accounts'. at the bottom of that page, under admins only, select 'manage database lists'. then on the right side menu of that page, under activities and notes, select 'activity types'. on that page, add 'new' activities using your staff names (so the new activity is actually listed as John Smith, Jane Doe, etc.) Then, when you add a new event, you can use the staff name instead of the event type (appt, phone call, etc.)
Go back to calendar, and select actions, then change colors... you'll see the staff names listed as activity types. Change the colors (**have a meeting and assign everyone a color), and whenever someone in the office makes an event, have them tag the appropriate user in the task box.
Unfortunately, Tailwag has a bug, where the calendar only shows the current user's calendar. When you add another person's calendar, it doesn't stick. They're working on it...
But it should work on the original Redtail CRM. If you're desperate enough, you can do it this way.
Kaleb Baker commented
We need this feature in our office. I really hope that this feature is coming soon!
Donna Emr commented
Thanks for responding Tara.
John Birney Jr. commented
This would be very helpful when looking at the whole team's activities for the day... Hope it's coming soon!
Anonymous commented
What is the ETA on this? It seems to be a huge issue for your users. For our firm it is one reason we may not go with Redtail.
Our development team is looking into this as an option, but we still do not have an ETA on implementing this feature. We understand it is an important one for many of you and are looking into restructuring the calendar and activities to allow this to happen. We appreciate your continued patience while we work on a solution for you.
Donna Emr commented
Can someone at Redtail please respond to this and at least provide an update!
Monica Cress commented
We currently do NOT use the calendar because this feature is not yet an option. We have been looking into other CRM systems that allow color-coding by user because it is THAT IMPORTANT of an issue. It doesn't seem like RedTail is making much headway regarding implementing this idea. You are going to lose our business.
David Hatcher commented
This is a simple request, why is no one listening? You have almost 700 "votes" HELLO!!!!
Donna Emr commented
When is this update planned? The date of that status was 2 years ago! We are not using the calendar at all because of this issue, so the sooner the better!
Anonymous commented
I completely agree. With multiple users on a calendar it is very difficult to distinguish users.