Print Full Activity Details, Including Linked Notes
Currently when printing an activity, only the portion of the description box that is showing on the web screen at that time appears. Additionally, the Linked notes are not printed out with it. If they are printed out with it, they are cut off and listed as (more...). We need to see all of the details surrounding that activity in an easily printable format.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Janelle Bergstrom commented
Yes! It would be very helpful when printing an activity to include all the linked notes - that way everything related to the appointment is right there in printed form.
Maggie Green commented
Having the option to print linked Activity items (such as linked notes) would be extremely helpful - otherwise if one has a printed activity that they're working on, they have to go back and hunt for the background info which is very inefficient.
Chuck Vercellone commented
When running a report on completed activities all we can see is if there is a note attached and how many. We should be able to see the actual note. The only notes we do see is anything entered into the description box not the actual note attachment. We can run a notes report and see the notes but we can't filter to just see notes attached to specific activities (i.e. appointments vs calls).
Mary Shaw commented
Having the option to display notes on an activity on an activity report.