Account UDF Report Filter Enhancements
It would be very helpful to have more filter options when running the account UDF report. I would like to choose the UDF but then make sure it only pulls open accounts. We like to keep the UDFs in closed accounts for the sake of record keeping.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Lyndsey Pare commented
Totally agree. Something as simple as sorting by clients name. So If I want to all the info about one client only I don't have to dig them out of list of all the clients.
Leo O'Connor Jr commented
I have Account level UDFs in place for RMDs and want to know waht company the accounts are at so I can check one company at a time easily.
Julie Armistead commented
When you go to Reports / UDF Reports / Account User Defined Fields, please add the "Servicing Advisor" as one of the columns displayed. It doesn't tell us who the servicing advisor is. If you send to "search" there is no way to print the report out with the servicing advisor and all information in the UDF.