Opportunity Final Stage Modification
Opportunity Final Stage Modification
CLOSED WON AND CLOSED LOST is simply not enough.
In the conversion process from suspect to prospect to client we can customize the stages to our own desires but when it comes to creating the final tally, you take control and the end resulting two options of Closed Won and Closed Lost is not enough.
When I get a referral and talk to the suspect and qualify them then enter them as a prospect and an opportunity and they say they want to come in but never do, I do not want to close that case LOST. I had rather close it INACTIVE since I never got in front of them.
Also when I win a client and later loose them I would like somewhere to track that so maybe here as a LOST CLIENT.
Many other suggestions to keep stage filters set. Please do.
Many redundant suggestions indicates your staff has not combined them and may not be putting any attention on Opportunities.
I am also using a spreadsheet to track biz which is a clear indication of the limitations of the Opportunities Module.
Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Alyse commented
Any stage we add that starts with "Closed" should move the opportunity from the active list to the closed list.
alecquaid commented
Agreed. Having the ability to customize a stage name that also closes out the opportunity would solve to problem for my team.
Mark Kerwood commented
Agreed, using the word closed should trigger the closed list. Or a checkbox when building the stage types that indicates a closed stage that would fuel the closed list.
Christopher Tyler commented
I agree with Kerry's comment that any opportunity stage that is created with the word "Closed" should be coded to push opportunities from the active list to the closed list.
Anonymous commented
I pay incentive for meeting referrals that I get, not a sale necessarily. Tracking them stinks. In RT Opp's, we can customize Stages, however we cannot add a "Closed for Credit" or "Closed No Credit" that we can filter out while working Active opp's... It would be nice to have ability to add other "Closed" customization that could be filtered out of the working list.
Will commented
Yes, please allow us to identify a status as Closed or Open. Example: we don't want to muddy up the Active/Closed stats with opportunities from previous years... so we want to have "Closed Won - 2016" as a status. That is obviously a Closed status, but we need a function in RedTail to mark it that way... otherwise they show up as Active!
Kerry commented
I love that we can customize opportunity stages, but it would be even better if they could be sorted a little more easily. Our firm added 'Closed-Disqualified' to the list of opportunity stages, but it is still showing those opportunities with the open ones. Is there a way to make it so that they are separate from the open ones? It would be much more convenient if any customized stages that start with 'Closed' were put with the other closed opportunities. In this case, these are prospects who were interested in investing but were far under the threshold for initial investments. I would delete them or mark them as 'Closed-Lost' but we are trying to track the amount of business turned away to see if we need to re-evaluate our minimum account amount.