list two contacts when attached to note/activity, not just '2 contacts'
I realize you like to say 2 contacts when both spouses are attached to an activity to save space but I'd love it if you only did that when 3 people are attached. I am trying to be good with my notes and attach both parties so they each have a record of it but then on printed reports, I can't tell who the activity or note is for. So list both names at two, summarize at 3.
Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Eva Mende Jennings commented
Yes, this is increasingly an issue when trying to export data and sort by contact, not being able to see who the contacts are and the sorting puts everything with "2 Contacts" at the top or bottom not in alphabetical order by last name.