The "Comment" option at the bottom of an old note is great for this but it doesn't stand out very well. Maybe Redtail could make it more not
Making "Comment" on an existing note more visible

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Steve Glasberg commented
You have 414 votes to improve this lousy feature dating back to 2017 (almost 7 years), don't you think it's time to act? Even Redtail Owner - Hayley Mandrup's comment is from the beginning of 2020. Have you had enough time for your "internal discussions" yet???
I'm not even going to attempt to ask for a total revamp to the Notes and Comments features (even though it's desperately needed). All I'm asking for is that you Highlight, Bold, and Red Font the word Comment and also the number of comments. At least that way, we have a chance of seeing it (especially when we scroll through our notes 6 months or a year +).
C'mon Redtail, it's time to act on some suggestions!
Chris commented
Yes! Have the word "comment" change from blue to another color & bold so you can tell there is a comment attached. It's way to subtle right now with a little (1) next to it
Anonymous commented
Please have the comments show with the note. It's so hard to see that there is a comment you have to open. Typically comments are important updates and they need to show with the rest of the note instead of being hidden.
Spencer Passey commented
Adding another color and/or a larger or bolder font to the Comment link when there is a comment would be great!
Anonymous commented
Please, please, please change the "Comments (1)" color to red when a comment has been made as this is constantly overlooked as the font remains blue and blends with the other text on the page. Once a comment has been added, it should be made extremely visually clear to all who access the client contact notes. The work around has been to add another note vs. use the comment option....this causes mass inefficiencies with the use of the tool.
Andie Bottrell commented
We would like to be able to view comments on a post in the notes section without having to click to open it. When we go to the notes section, we want to see all everything.
Rick McCallister commented
Threaded notes - it would so helpful to be able to create note threads, kind of like a message board. For example, client calls, we call back, client calls again leaves a more detailed message, etc. If those were all in one thread it would be much easier to follow communication, as opposed to how it is now with multiple separate notes.
Comments are close, but don't quite capture the concept because they're not searchable and certainly are not very visable that there are even comments made to a note.
Anonymous commented
Hover Feature for Comments
Would LOVE to be able to view the Comments made to a Note w/out having to Open them. Thanks!! -
Rick McCallister commented
This is a real issue, it is way to easy to overlook comments. Even if they're slow to load, we need an option to have them automatically expand - perhaps in preferences. This would need to be a default at the user level so that they always expand to ensure that comments are not missed.
At a minimum, a different color, bold, something to make the fact that comments exist stand out.
Anonymous commented
I've thought to myself several times that that would be helpful.
Heidi commented
It would be great if, when you add a comment to an existing note, that the blue hyperlink to the "comment" was a little more visible - like red so it stands out. Similar to the red "Important Information" icon. It's only red if you've added something.
Veronica Schweitzer commented
It would be really helpful to have the color of the comments link change to Green or Red when a comment has been added. These comments can often be overlooked even thought it does say that there in a comment added. Changing the color would help to alert the advisor that there is additional information.
Anonymous commented
Please please please make the comments more visible! As others suggested, even if it's not possible to have them automatically displayed (though not sure why), at least make the "Comment (1)" more noticeable.
Also, it would be helpful if we had the option to notify team members when we add the comments. -
Casey commented
Not being able to edit a note is understandable but there's no good solution when it's justified. A better way would be to have the edited note at top/visible with highlighting/other indication that's it's an edited note (this is the intended correct info!). This way, the latest correct info is readily available and not buried in comments or another note entirely. The prior drafts of the note would be immediately below it in an expandable or default expanded fashion.
Secondly, the comments aren't expandable by default and we're forced to have a pop up to see them. This is extra steps for the system and for us, more clicking when we click thousands of times per day. This is solved by just having a default expanded view option and toggle next to comments. having to expand comments is a hassle, scrolling with a wheel is quick and easy.
Aisa commented
Thaks all
Anonymous commented
Angela Locke commented
The first time a comment is saved to a note, the "Comments (1)" should turn a more noticeable color. The current blue blends in with the Actions link and the window at large.
Megan commented
I believe with having to client comments instead of it automatically being viewed under the note it has the possibility of being over looked/missed. Please add it back to be viewed directly under the note as a comment.
Thank you.
Anonymous commented
I agree that comments should either be attached to a note (best choice) or at least have the word/link "Comments" show up in bold and/or a different color so it stands out.
Shenschke commented
Totally agree with this!!