Customize Email viewing permissions
would like to have some controls over what emails employees can view within the CRM. Example: we want employees to see all emails within a client record, however, would like to restrict the viewing of emails within employee records. We do not want employees viewing emails from the principal of the firm or the compliance officer.
I know I can delete the emails from the CRM so that no emails appear in the history, however, an employee could simply type it back in to view emails.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Jennifer Lahaie commented
It is absolutely ridiculous that that has not been dealt with!
Will commented
Our team likes to cc the team's group email when we email clients. That way clients don't have to wade through a bunch of cc'd team members. However, since the individual team members emails are hidden inside the group email, that also means that the team members cannot view the email in "email history" in RedTail. Please add the ability to "whitelist" certain email addresses (i.e. so that the team members can view the emails in "email history" in RedTail.
Matt commented
This single issue of absolute horrible email integration and handling is cause to leave Redtail. I can not believe this issue isn't getting attention.
Matt commented
Agreed that the email journaling process RT uses is not working well. There are too many issues with privacy and compliance. Why not offer option for us to identify the contact records we want email monitored. Even if a firm had 2000 contact records to monitor email this would be easy to set up with an excel upload process initially. Then as each new contact record gets added where we want email to journal, we can check a box to opt that record in.
The current method adds ALL email from email accounts we have RT monitor, thereby capturing emails that should not be getting pulled into RT, private emails, ones between staff about compensation or promotions, etc. Simply a ridiculous unworkable system. What is point of journaling emails into RT if ALL staff cannot see the emails on client records unless they are set up as Administrators. But if they are Administrators, they have access to ALL emails. We implemented policy to remove all Staff emails addresses from RT contact records to help mitigate this issue. But obviously one only has to add an email address to any RT contact record and they will then be privy to all email history for that address.
Simply unbelievable to me this does not get top priority as there are many easy work arounds.
S. Thomas commented
Still no update on this request?? It's hard to believe a matter of this importance is getting no attention. Redtail??
Brittany McGehee commented
What is the status of this request? As CCO and Operations Mgr I find this highly concerning as I do not need my employees seeing everything I do behind the scenes.
Anonymous commented
I would like to see some type of 'security' or 'privatizing' the emails so it only the intended can review. We send emails within the office and sometimes there is personal information that should not be shared, but there it is … full view for everyone to see.
Hopefully there will be a way to make an email 'private' for certain eyes only.
(the controlling permissions is way too complicated and ineffective) -
Matt commented
What is the hold up on this issue? It is an H.R. and Compliance mess in current form.
Matt commented
single reason we are afraid to add email archiving is the the Email Tab being viewed by all.
Anonymous commented
Considering Retail has also had a data breach, they clearly aren't showing concern for keeping confidential information safe. This suggestion goes back to 2015.
Anonymous commented
Clearly Redtail does not use their own software for their emails. There is no way that Brian would allow everyone in the Redtial organization to have full access to his email history.
Anonymous commented
It's mind boggling to me that this hasn't been fixed yet.
The Retirement Readiness Institute commented
My question to Redtail is, how do you reassign a contact to a new user giving the new user the ability to see the entire history, including emails fo that contact, without giving the user email admin rights?
The Retirement Readiness Institute commented
Huge Email security risk. I have seen Redtail's "NOT PLANNED" response. At a minimum this deserves much more attention than Redtail seems to be giving it, if data security should be Redtail's top priority.
I am the DB Admin. A new DB user was initially given email admin rights so she could see emails I sent to contacts before hiring her. The new user added me as a contact. She can now see my entire email history. After removing the email admin rights for this user the Email history was still viewable. We removed my email address from the contact record. This removed her ability to view my emails. But, once she re-entered my email address the email history became viewable again. I've been told the email history cannot be removed from her contact access. The only solution is to either restrict the user from having access to my contact or adding a whole new contact record for me. That does not work. I cannot have multiple contacts for me in the database.
A new user should be defaulted to a non-admin user. If that is how it is currently done then support needs to do a better job of explaining to the DB admin of the security risk of allowing a user to have email access rights. What solution does Redtail have for this? I am sure it is going to happen again to someone else.
To avoid this the DB admin, when adding a new user, should have control to apply non-admin permissioning.
1. Can only see the emails they are included on (make default)
2. Able to see emails of contacts they are a team member to -
Anonymous commented
How is this not on the top of your list? Not only is it a compliance concern but also an HR concern.
Leslie commented
Why hasn't this been resolved yet? It's 2020, this is a HUGE compliance issue. All employees in the company should NOT have access to every single email that gets sent throughout our firm. Emails that the partners send contain very confidential information related to raises, offer letters, bonuses etc. Everyone needs access too all email correspondence between clients but it is completely unnecessary to allow everyone access to internal emails.This needs to be resolved ASAP.
Anonymous commented
This is the most obvious and necessary feature for the CRM and Redtail Email. How is this not priority #1
Alexis Long commented
This is a huge privacy concern for our firm as any team member can view any email, including emails that are sent by the management team in regard to HR & internal management issues. We need to have the functionality to block certain email address from being accessed inside the Redtail CRM. If this issue is not addressed, we may be forced to find another CRM that will provide our firm with this functionality.
Nick Johnson commented
This issue is going on too long. We've have now been having internal discussions on weather we should move to move to a Salesforce or other CRM/email provider as Redtail doesn't seem to be doing anything about it.
Anonymous commented
I agree. This is over a year old - and I'm not sure it has been resolved. Teams are more prevalent and this issue is important from a privacy and HR standpoint.