Add columns to the Accounts Overview page
It would be very helpful to have along with: Number, Company, Product.... to also have "Beneficiary" and "Insured." If these were available we could review over the phone at a glance and see which policies or accounts need updating. There is a big push for accountability for advisors to be sure the beneficiary designations are correct. This would also help identify insurance policies on children which are owned by their parents.

Redtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Donald Blumberg commented
New Redtail user migrated over from SmartOffice. Being able to customize visible columns in the accounts overview page is vital. We use different models for accounts and being able to view that quickly is a huge time saver.
Anonymous commented
Add the ability to customize columns, so we could add the "model/strategy" listing to see at a glance what model a particular portfolio was using
Anonymous commented
Vote for this improvement.
Suzanne Rodriguez commented
I personally think the accounts tab is way to crowded as it is. There is actually a beneficiary report you can do, but first you have to manually add the benes to each account (yes, Redtail is a MANUAL system). If you double click on the account and scroll down the page a bit, you can see where to add bene's. Once you have them for all the accounts, go back to the account page and click on bene report. It is really nice and we present that to all of our clients during their meeting.
Trey Ryan commented
This would be very helpful since most of our accounts are at the same company but the managers and strategies are differenct