Show note comments on timeline
Comments on notes should show up on the timeline - they are typically important updates on previous items.

The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Tabatha commented
With this, it would be nice to not only be able to see the comments, but to have the whole "thread" pull to the top of the timeline based on when the last comment was made. When everything is related, it would be nice to see the progress of what has happened in order, all together, as opposed to having to search through the notes to make sense of what has happened and hoping you did not skip over one note.
Anonymous commented
Please update comments so that they fully appear and default to being displayed. Otherwise, I have to click on the comments button to expand them. We usually keyword search to find things in our RT notes, and you can’t do that if the comments are truncated.
Cynthia Beane commented
Absolutely notes should show up. They should also be searchable.
Michele Tomlinson commented
This would be super helpful!
Shannon commented
We use the Timeline often for a quick glance at the notes or actions made. Currently, the only way we can see if a comment has been made on a note is the # next to "Comments" has changed. However, we are unable to read the comments unless we open the Notes Page. Is there any way to make the Comments visible in the Client's Timeline or - at least - give the option of making the comments on a note visible?
Anonymous commented
It would be super great to have the comments just automatically show in the notes like they did before (not collapsed) because they are always as important to the note and or important add ons should you accidently complete a note and need to add important information.
Shannon commented
All Comments are important on Notes but they are not visible in the TimeLine - only when you go to the "Notes" page. Many Comments also contain corrections to notes entered as well. THIS IS IMPORTANT as informatoin is often MISSED because the FULL Note is Not immediately Visible!
Nicole Petrie commented
It's very inconvenient to have to click on the note in the timeline of a specific record page to see if there are any comments. At least have a place where it shows if there are any comments on the note instead of us having search to see if there are any. For example, "1 comment" would be helpful on the note or just make all the comments visible.
Anonymous commented
If someone adds a comment to a note older than 7 days, we need to see that comment on the timeline for the date of the comment on Today's Overview. We need to be able to track all notes being entered each week. Right now, comments are not visible unless the date of the original note is within the 7 day period.
Marissa Thomas commented
I'm sorry - I wasn't very clear.
I know it is possible to click and view notes comments, this request was to add the comments themselves to the timeline so that you *don't* have to click on every note to see if there is an update.